Part 11

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It was now Friday morning. Me and Robert have made our promise and we have stuck to it. We haven't seen each other unless it was for a reason. We have gone on two meetings since and yes we might have glanced at each other or even stared but we both know it cannot happen in life now. I was currently sat on facetime with Amy.

Amy- so you both agreed that you wanted to act like husband and wife for the week then he actually said he didn't want to anymore?

Me- well not that he didn't want to we both agreed that it is wrong

Amy- well yeah it is wrong as he is married but if she is cheating on him aswell then i dont see the harn

Dylan- yeah what is the harm in that. Have he caught her with that Benedict?

Me- well no but chris in work has and he was in her room when she facetimed him

Dylan- definitely shagging behind his back

Me- dylan dont say that word its disgusting

Dylan- sorry. Anyway can we actually see you today what time will you be home?

Me- well the jet is leaving at 3 so we wont be home until 9 but i will come and see you tomorrow we will go out for food or something.

Amy- yes can we go to that new restaurant. Its called bila it apparently looks beautiful i have seen the food on peoples facebooks

Me- of course i will pick you up at 6

Amy- no we will have a taxi we are getting pissed

Me- fine have the taxi pick me up at six

Amy- yay okay so wha-

I hear a knock on the door.

Me- sorry i will speak to you later i got to go. Love you lots

I hang up and i head straight to the door and open it.

"Sorry was i interrupting anything?" Robert asks.

"No no its okay whats up?" I ask.

"We will be leaving in about half hour" he says with a slight smile.

"Its only nine o clock why so early?" I ask.

"Was going to go for another tour around London before we head back" he says.

"Oh okay yeah let me pack my things" i say.

"Want help?" He asks.

Do i? Dont i? Fuck it last day who cares.

"Yeah if you dont mind" i say

"Not a problem" he says
He walks in and shuts the door behind him. I had to admit he looked gorgeous.

 I had to admit he looked gorgeous

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"Look about the other day. We cant just put what we have behind us. We get along pretty well we both have to admit. Me and susan will have a chat because me and her both know it hasn't been working out between us and i know for a fact she has been hooking up with Benedict. So can we be friends at least not just boss and assistant?" He asks.

"Yeah of course" i smile.

I dont know how long that will last mind because i cant just stay friends with this man.

"Good. Well you are all packed. Do you want to drive or me?" He asks.

"You i drove to the meeting yesterday" i say.

"Okay fair enough. Hang on susan is facetiming me" he says.

Robert- hey honey

Honey? What is he playing at one minute he is hating her the next he is calling her honey

Susan- hey handsome i have missed you. What time will you be home?

Robert- around ten tonight

Susan- okay i cant wait to see you

Robert- me neither love. Look i got to go though i have a meeting in half hour i will see you later

Susan- okay be safe i love you

He didn't reply he hung up.

"Dont be fooled im not going to be like that with her tonight im going to confess to her" he says.

"What no not tonight Robert you would have only then gone in do it on Sunday so you have time to think because i know you still love her and i don't want you throwing what you two got out the window" i say.

"Yeah mil i do love her but not as much as i used to. She cheated on me. Then i cheated on her to get back at her but the person who i cheated on her with i want to do it all the more" Robert says looking directly at me.

"You know that cant happen now come on" i say grabbing my bag.

He picks up my suitcase and i see his suitcases are already outside the door so i take mine off him and he takes his and we take them to the car. He hops into the drivers seat and i get into the passenger seat.


He takes us all the way around London seeing all the sights again. Its weird I really don't see him as a boss its like we were meant to be friends. Or even more. We stopped at a couple of places and took photos and then we had breakfast in a restaurant which was beautiful and then we went back to sight seeing and before we knew it it was time to get on the jet. So we put our stuff on the jet and climbed in ourselves.

"Thanks for this week" he says.

"No problem. I have had fun" i say smiling.

"Me too. You really are a good person millie and I respect that a lot. Glad we are friends" he says.

Friends my ass.

"Yeah me too" i say.

The captain went over the speakers and Robert did what he did on the way down and held me while we took off. On the plane back we talked and laughed. Slept and ate. Played games and argued about why the winner was the winner and then we landed.

"Well i will see you on Monday. Got any plans this weekend?" He asks.

"Yeah going out with amy and Dylan. Ryan will probably tag along too what about you?" I ask.

"Try and stay away from susan i guess. Not in a bad way but she will think that Im on good terms with her and I'm really not. Have fun millie i will see you on Monday" Robert says.

"You too" i smile.

The man hands us our car keys and i place my bags in my car and drive home. Walking in i found it weird as Marley wasn't there but it was very quite. I didn't even bother unpacking i just took my clothes to my room and plonked myself on the bed. Home sweet home is all i can say.

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