Part 3

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I was sat there staring at this man standing in the doorway. Crisp white ironed T-shirt with a blue tie and black suit. His shoes were literally blinding me with the dazzle coming off them. His stubble is freshly cut. His eyes were chocolate brown and dazzling. Hair was puffy but the one thing that made me turn off was when i looked at his hands. Don't get me wrong his hand were to die for i would love them around my neck but he had a wedding ring on.

"Cat got your tongue?" This beautiful tall god said in-front of me.

"Hi" i say out.

"Hello darling. You must be miley im Mr Robert Downey" he says.

"Its Millie. Its lovely to meet you Mr downey" i say with a smile.

He walks up to me and sits on the chair in front of the desk. Up closer i could smell his beautiful scent.

"Never correct me but im glad you did. Tell me a little bit about yourself millie" he says interlocking both his hands.

I had to admit i was intimidated by him a little but he was beautiful.

"Well my name is obviously Millie. Im originally from Los Angeles but around three years ago i moved to here new York with my friend. I worked for Ryan Reynolds but he quit leaving me with a dickhead of a boss called Matthew. I love to work i would work all day and night if i had to but i also do like a break thats why i have Saturday and half of Sunday off" i say and realised i am talking to my boss not some random person.

"Well that sounds like an adventure. Im happy to have you on board. Have my wife gone through the plans for the day?" He asks.

"Uh she has gone through everything that i have to do and I understand" i say.

"Good. For lunch its up to you what you do. You can go to the kitchen which is three doors to your left to make coffee or make your food but you are more than welcome to go out for food. You have an hour and a half for lunch. If you smoke you can go for a smoke but please no smoking in the building. You dont seem like the one to smoke though" he says.

"No not really i only smoke if i am stressed or anxious" i say with a smile.

"Woah do more of that face i love it. All of my assistants were moody cows but you seem marvellous. Anyway i have to shoot or the wife will shout. If you need anything give me a buzz on your phone or knock my door. I will send you my contact details and information and things that you need. Whats your email address?" He asks.

"Oh its" i say.

" h? What does the H stand for?" he asks.

" my middle name" i say politley.

"Holly?" He asks.

"No" i laugh.

"Oh i will find it out. Anyway if you need anything buzz me" he says.

"Thank you Mr Downey" i smile.

"Please call me Robert no need for this mr downey crap" he chuckles.

That chuckle i could listen to all day.

"Thank you. See you later" i say and he shuts the door behind him.

I breath a long breath that seems like i had been holding in forever and i relax in my chair. Oh god please tell me how i am gonna survive with having a hot married man as my boss.


It was a few hours later and it was now dinner time. I only packed a sandwich so I decided to go out for food instead. I went to Starbucks down the road. I thought i wanted food but really all i wanted was a drink off nice coffee.

I ordered my drink and looked around the cafe and there was no spaces except for one right in the corner away from everyone so I decided to sit there. I brought my phone out and decided to text amy.

Me- hiya bitch. So far so good. My boss is hot but married. His wife also works with us and she seems lovely and I'm currently sat in Starbucks looking like a loner. Xx

Seconds later i see the three dots and she replies.

Amy- get in there girl. If he is married doesn't mean you cant flirt mils. Hope the job is okay though xx

I went to type more but i feel someone tapping me on the shoulder. When i look up there he was. Robert again.

"Hi are you alright?" I ask.

"Can we join you?" Robert asks which he was pointing to his wife.

"Uh yeah sure this place is quite crowded" i say.

"Thank you ever so much millie i know this place is always crowded at this time. If theres space we sit here but if not we do normally go back to the office but its nice actually sitting somewhere else for a change" susan says.

"Oh i agree" i say smiling.

"So have you got a boyfriend?" Robert asks.

Gosh straight to the question.

"Yeah she has me" i hear a man say and sit next to me. He wraps his arms around me and i jumped to be honest.

"What the fu- ryan?" I ask.

"Hey beautiful. How is my lovely lady doing?" He asks winking.

"Im perfect now you are here. Ryan this is my new boss Robert and his wife susan and this is my uh" i start.

"Old boss now new boyfriend Ryan Reynolds" ryan finishes for me.

"Oh I didn't know you two were together is that why you quit?" Susan asks.

"Not really. I quit because i wanted to try something else. But when i thought about it me and her did have an office fling so i asked her to be official and of course she said yes" ryan lies.

"Oh I'm happy for you. Is she any good?" Susan asks.

"Im bed? Yes one hundred percent" ryan says with a smirk

"Oh my lord. Ryan get home. Im so sorry for this" i say trying not to punch Ryan's lights out.

"Sorry. Im joking. She is amazing at her job she is hardworking and all sorts. You are very lucky to have a lady like her working for you but honey i have to get back to work. I will see you later" ryan says and places his hand on my chin making me look at him.

He pecks my lips and grins.

"Be good" he says with a wink and stands up.

For fuck sake. That man. Im not even with him and he completely just fucked my first day up. Dickhead.

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