Part 21

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I was now 7 months into the pregnancy and we were pregnant with a little boy. I couldn't wait until he is out and i still have 2 months left. I wasn't in a very great frame of mind last night all i did was cry until 4.15am and thats when Robert came in from work. He was happy too happy but at least some of us was. He did ask why i was crying but when i was about to answer he had passed out and was snoring.I was currently sat in the office going through the paper work that was supposed to be sorted out by susan but obviously she quit so its all put onto me. I was sorting through the papers and i kept having phone calls come through.
So I decided to answer it.

Me- hello this is the Downey company how may i help you?

Unknown- hi is Robert in?

Me- mr downey is currently in a meeting. Would you like me to pass him a message?

Unknown- yeah please tell him shelly phoned. He left his coat over here last night and it has a bunch of keys in his pocket. I did try ringing him but there was no answer

Me- what do you mean left it over here last night. Over where? He was in work last night

Shelly- oh no honey he was over my house last night. He was doing something for me.

Me- what was he doing?

Shelly- well he fixed my washing machine but things happened after that. So could you tell him to come over later to grab his coat and keys?

Me- of course

Shelly- thanks

She hangs up and i wanted to scream. What the fuck he told me he was in work last night not over some woman's house fixing a washing machine and doing things. I hope to god its not what i think it is.

I pushed the thought out of my head and i carried on sorting the papers out for around an hour. But then it came to my head. Robert came home half pissed last night so he cant have been in work anyway. Robert pissed and fixing a washing machine that doesn't add up. I stood up and opened the window for fresh air and i hear the door closing making me jump. I turn around and Robert was standing there.

"Hey sweet cheeks" he says walking up to me.

"Hey" i reply.

"So i was thinking me you and bump go for a date tonight just to get out of the house for a little while" he says.

"You got plans. You have to pick your keys and jacket up from shelly's" i say quite bluntly.

"Oh shit i forgot i have to go over there. Her dish washer has packed in and she needs help to fix it" he says.

"Oh thats funny she said her washing machine was broke not her dish washer" i say folding my arms.

"Oh either one i cant remember" he says.

The buzzer went and Robert answered

"Is Robert there now?" I hear Shelly's voice again.

"Im here" Robert says.

"Oh hey handsome I'm outside your office. Your assistant said you were in a meeting so i thought i would come and deliver the keys and jacket too you" shelly says.

"On my way" Robert says.

Before i could say anything he was already out the door. I give up. Leave him go flirt with another girl maybe thats why susan did cheat because all he does is flirt with other women. I sat down on the chair and started going through the laptop and the files. I hear the door knock so i shout come in and it was Jen.

"Hey Jen" i say.

"You might want to come and see this" she says kind of worried.

I stand up and look at her with cocked eye brows and follow her to where she was leading me which was an office. She opened the door and this shelly was straddling Robert and they were proper going for it. It looked like they were eating each other. I gasped and shelly pulled away looking at me.

"Oh sorry i got carried away. Robert is tasty" she says.

"Oh don't i know it" i say sharply.

"Look its not what it looks like" Robert says.

"Oh everyone says that Robert. Its exactly what it looks like" i say

I turn around and shelly scoffs.

"Why do you care? Your his assistant he can have a lover if he wants to you dont own him" shelly says

"Your right i don't own him. Nobody owns him except himself. But when he is your boyfriend and the father of the child that your carrying and he is kissing another woman in an office that i have never been to before it doesn't really show much for the relationship does it?" I say.

"Woah woah woah Robert you have a girlfriend and that bump is made by you?" Shelly says.

"Yes i did try and say but you couldn't keep your mouth off me!" Robert snaps

"No no you are the one who came over my house yesterday and said to fix my washing machine and ended up on top of me on my sofa" shelly says.

"I was drunk! You wasn't exactly pulling away either. If you didn't fucking put alcohol in my water I wouldn't have been pissed! You lied to me shelly" Robert says.

"Robert enough with the fucking excuses. No wonder why susan left you. Your a piece of shit. Don't contact me" i say and walk out.

I was furious. I went to my office grabbed my things and went straight to my car. I thought i would be driving home but i didn't i drove straight to amy's house as she moved closer to me. I knocked the door and Dylan answered.

"Woah what happened are you alright?" He asks

I walk in and see amy with Logan her baby boy on her lap. She looks at me with a smile but soon drops the smile when she sees that i have tears running down my face.

"Oh beautiful come here" amy says.

I sit next to her and she pulls me in for a hug. I tell her what happened and by the end of it she was ready to kill Robert.

"Fuck him. I told Dylan at the start of your relationship that he was a fuck about" amy says.

"Ams I really don't know what to do. He left susan for me and now he is cheating on me. It isn't normal" i say holding my stomach.

"Stay here for the night dont go home because i guaranty he will come looking for you" dylan says.

"Thanks dyl. Can i use your shower and borrow some clothes?" I ask.

"Of course. I have a box of clothes for you anyway for maternity well some as you got the rest" amy says.

I thank her and head to the shower. I cry. Thinking what the fuck am i going to do.

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