Part one- introduction

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Millie Hope Taylor. A 24 year old beautiful woman with a big future ahead. She gets asked to be transferred to a different boss which she will be the assistant to. She has everything going for her. A new boss. A beautiful home. A lovely dog called Marley but the one thing she hasn't got is family. Her mother left her as a child and her dad has worked away since she was little so she hardly sees him. She has got a best friend called Amy but she is preoccupied with her boyfriend Dylan so she hardly sees him so her ideal happy place is working.

She lives in a beautiful house on top of a cliff. Three cars. One an audi. One a Range rover and a Mercedes all white cars. She is not a billionaire for sure but she job she has she got paid very well. Give her work or mamma mia with a box of chocolates and she will be happy.

Her childhood she was mostly on her own. Of course she used to see amy all the time and amy does half live with her and half live with Dylan but she is mostly with Dylan. Millie doesn't complain though because she loves being on her own and having her own space and she does normally work from nine till five so she is mostly in work anyway.

She have had a few boyfriends in the past but they never last. She is twenty four now so she doesn't really have time for a boyfriend right now as she is always working. Work work work.

Amy is always complaining she never sees millie anymore but when you have one friend that is obsessed with their boyfriend and wont leave them alone and one friend that is obsessed with work its kind of difficult.

Millie does have a holiday home in Greece that in the summer she actually uses because she takes time off work. Nobody but her knows about it though as its on a private island and her other friend Sam who lives out there picks her up from the airport and flies her to her home. He is lovely and when she says she don't have friends she does have sam and amy. She face-times him nearly every night and gives him the gossip.

Her free time she does have she is either eating sleeping gossiping walking the dog or shopping. Theres no in between and the only day she doesn't work is a Saturday and she has half day on Sunday. She is just a workaholic.

She had a boss called Ryan but he quit and her new boss Matthew was a dick so she asked her company to move her to a different boss. She is exited because apparently this boss is alright but kind of strict with orders. Ryan was like that at first but it soon changed when he started to get along with her.

She is sarcastic, funny, bold and beautiful. Her sense of style always changes to whatever mood she is in and if you piss her off in anyway look out. Like Taylor swift says she is a nightmare dressed as a daydream. Overall she is a very nice person though.

She does suffer with anxiety and when she was younger she suffered with panic attacks and anxiety attacks but as she has gotten older they have calmed down a little. When she is anxious she will start to bite her lips or pick at them. Get shakey and will go very quite. She loves a hug when she is anxious or upset but these days she hardly has anyone to give her one except her dog Marley. He is her life saver.

Apart from all that she is basically a rich classy kind of woman who loves her work.

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