According to the police, the last remaining man who had been there for the kidnapping, Kame Ashida was going to be hit with a slew of charges and taken to trial.

Until then, Misaki would not rest peacefully. She didn't know why Azami had had a change of heart, but the sight of her punched full of bullets wouldn't leave her eyes. Thinking of it got her heart racing and she began to panic as the adrenaline's last vestiges left her body, tears welling in her eyes until they dripped down her face. 

The police woman, named Yua Amano softened and handed her a tissue after seeing the tears. "I'm sorry, Miss Sakusa. That's all the questions for now. You may go home with your family. Try to get some rest. Also.... Trauma therapy might be a good idea after everything you have endured. The way out is on the right, I'll call if we need anything else," Yua tells her, looking sympathetic.

Misaki nods, standing to leave. Atsumu meets her at the doorway, a car seat in each hand. "Ready to go? I'm taking ya back to mine... I have everything being taken over there by Bokuto and Hinata," he tells her, kissing her temple. Misaki nods tiredly, taking his hand as he leads her out to the parking lot. His car was parked in the middle and he puts the twins in first, both soundly sleeping at this point. 

"We'll get them back to mine. I'll feed them both, ya need to take a shower and then a nap. You look like ya could use both right now," he murmurs, brushing her hair behind her ear as he tucks her into the car, shutting the door as he crosses to the driver seat. "Let's go back," he tells her, turning the radio on low as he pulls out of the station, heading for his  bachelor pad.

"Are ya sure ya want to just go home? We could take ya to the hospital to make sure ya aren't physically hurt," he tells her in concern. Misaki shakes her head. "Other than bruising and scratches I'm fine. I just need some rest," she replies tiredly.  Nodding, Atsumu drives away, the ride seeming short as he pulls onto the semi-familiar street he had lived on before he got together with Misaki.

"Stay there. I'll get ya out," he tells her, crossing over to her side to open the door. The faces of Bokuto and Hinata pop out of Atsumu's home, both looking relieved to see Atsumu coming home with Misaki and the twins in tow. "I was waiting for an update but you never called!" Bokuto exclaims, tackling his friend and teammate with a hug.

 Atsumu raises his hands. "I forgot okay? A lot went on," he tells him, Hinata reaching into the back seat to Help Atsumu with one of the twins' car seats, disconnecting it from the base. "We can talk more in the house," Hinata shakes his head, needing to be the more mature of them, seeing as Misaki looked absolutely ready to keel over on her feet. 

"You're right. Let's go," Atsumu nods, heading for the rustic brown front door of his home. The clicking of nails on the tile drew attention as Yukari races for the entrance, singing the song of her people, tail wagging furiously. "Yuke, shhhh!" Atsumu scolds lightly, taking the babies through the house. 

After a minute, the sound of oddly clicking nails met their ears, Misaki taking in the place as a familiar furry body came into view. "Delta!" She gasps, tears welling in her eyes as the large dog limps into the room, his body covered in bandages, the dog determined to get to her. Atsumu tears up as well, setting Kaen down on the floor in his car seat as Misaki drops to her knees and gently hugs the dog. 

"I'm so sorry boy. It's all my fault you were hurt," She chokes, her fingers lacing in his fur as she pulls his head against her chest for a hug. "It was a close call. I found him just in time and the vets were able to successfully repair the arteries. He's been moping since he came home though. I think he knew. And he missed ya," Atsumu strokes the German Shepherd on the nose, the dog's sad eyes staring at Misaki as if he too knew the suffering she had been through.

"It's okay boy. Thank you for coming back alive," she breathes, looking up at Atsumu with tear filled eyes, noting all the bandages and the shaved patch of fur where they must have ran an IV. Hinata comes up behind them and gives a small smile. "I gave him his meds already, so the pain medication should be kicking in soon," he tells them, earning a thanks from Atsumu.

After a few minutes, Misaki stands, locating a change of clothes and heads for the bathroom, ready for a shower and bed. In the kitchen, Atsumu made up two bottles, Bokuto and Hinata taking turns to help. "I'll feed one of them," Bokuto offers, reaching for the little girl sleeping restlessly. 

Nozomi wakes, fussing slightly as Bokuto sits back on the couch, propping her up before placing the bottle in the hungry baby's mouth. The sound of hungry baby filled the room, Atsumu feeding Kaen himself. The sound of the shower turning off filled the house, then silence. Before long, Misaki emerges, tired and dressed. "I'll go lay down. Thank you, Bokuto, Hinata. Both of you didn't have to do this for us. ...But I'm glad you did," she murmurs, touching the top of her son's head affectionately. 

The two wave their hands with small smiles. "Friends are like family, so don't worry," Hinata replies, earning an invigorated nod from Bokuto. "Don't worry about it Misa. We're here whenever you need us," Bokuto agrees. A moment of relaxing silence passes before Atsumu finally hands Hinata Kaen. "Let's get ya to bed, yer exhausted and need some sleep," he tells her, leading her to the bedroom.

Walking in was like a blast of Nostalgia. The room was exactly the same as the night she had woke up in it after the night at the bar. Nothing had changed. It was a little more neat, but that was about it. It left her with a small pang of excitement. "Everything started here," she breathes, touching the picture of MSBY hanging on the wall. 

"It did. I thought I'd never see ya again after that night. Now look at us," Atsumu chuckles, rubbing her shoulders as he leads her over to the bed. "You're right. Went from a one night stand to something meaningful," she smiles, the blankets being drawn over her shoulders. Her eyes flutter tiredly, so tiredly. "Get some sleep Misa. Come find me when ya get up, he tells her, stroking her cheek before he closes the blinds, shuts out the lights and closes the door. 

Minutes later, Misaki was asleep.

Set To The Skyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें