35 - Handsome One

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35 - Handsome One

It wasn't a huge surprise to Luke that Ashton brought him back to his home after their night in Calum and Michael's kitchen.

He's already learned that Ashton was a possessive man over him. But it was fine with Luke because he couldn't help but to enjoy it from the other.

But a part of him was slightly sad...What did Calum and Michael think? Did they think he just left them behind like their night meant nothing? Because it meant everything to Luke.

He had all three of them that night, but he loved each of them in the same way. He didn't want to chose; he was selfish. He just wanted all of them.

But of course things weren't that simple. It was a hard and complicated situation that none of them have been able to figure out. Plus there were so many other things happening in their lives as well.

They still needed to figure out who exactly was in danger from the attack and who had ordered it. Nothing that was happening around them had a clear answer. They just had to keep pushing through all of it at a simultaneous time.

"Did you find out anything about this Tommy guy?" Luke asked Ashton once he entered the man's large office.

Ashton's hazel eyes had fallen onto Luke's body, watching the blonde make his way into the room with curiosity flooding his blue eyes towards the subject.

Ashton hummed as his answer, knowing he didn't even have to explain himself once he grabbed a file that was sitting on his desk and handing it to the blonde. Luke was smart enough to put the pieces together himself once he looked over all the pieces of information that was held in those pictures and papers.

So Ashton patiently watched Luke as he sat down across from him, on the other side of the desk, and started to scan over everything. It only took him a few minutes to hand the file back over to Ashton.

"No wonder Calum reacted the way he did. If my dickhead of a brother tried to take my lover away I'd be pissed too. Especially if I just found out he was trying to kill me."

"We don't know if Tommy wants Calum dead. For all we know he could want Michael dead for rejecting him."

"Men." Luke said in distaste.

"Agreed." Ashton said briefly with a small, amused grin before going back into business, "But we don't know everything. The other two are far more in the loop now that we know it's Tommy. All you and I know is what's in this folder."

"Of course those two are ahead. They always are." Luke crossed his arms, "They're drama."

"Like you're not, pretty one. Have you already forgotten about Miranda Scowly ever since I paid her off for you?"

Luke scoffed unimpressed when Ashton sent him a sly grin.

"I'm not scared of Scowly."

"I never said you were, but she was this close to sending an assassin after you."

"Well it'd be a waste of money."

"How did you, the pretty pet of the boss and the beauty of the city, manage to get yourself in that much trouble?"

"I am not their pretty pet." Luke tried to say seriously, but he hated how he secretly liked the sound of that...

"Please." Ashton took his turn to scoff when he slowly got out of his seat to make his way to Luke's side. He gently gripped onto Luke's jaw in order to hold the pretty blonde's head in place.

Ashton leaned down to lay a teasing kiss onto Luke's lips. He didn't even move away to speak. He let his words hit Luke's lips, "We both know that's not true, pet. You belong to us."

Luke's breathe got stuck in his throat when he felt Ashton's words instantly go to places it shouldn't have. He's never felt like this before.

When all this started he was a 'straight' man who's only guilty pleasure was Michael. Now Luke was a desperate, desirable man who only wanted the touches of three specific men.

"Tell me, Luke." Ashton said seriously when he moved only a little away from Luke's lips in order to look down at the blonde, "Tell me who you belong to."

One part of Luke wanted to give Ashton what he wanted. But the other part didn't want to. Luke's mind was in a cluster and he didn't know which side was going to win.

Was Luke ready to completely give his loyalty to all three of them at the same time? Luke's loyalty was confusing. He wanted to be loyal to all of them this whole time, hence him going back and forth between the two 'sides.'

Now that things were slowly being mended into place, Luke didn't know what to do or what to say.

But luckily for him, his phone started ringing. This made Ashton professionally move away in order to let Luke answer the phone if he wanted or needed to.

Luke quickly grabbed his phone from his front pocket, seeing that it was Calum.


"Where the fuck are you?" Calum instantly growled into the phone, making Luke pull the phone slightly away from his ear due to the loudness.

"I'm with Ashton."

"That's funny. Because I don't recall giving you permission to leave Michael and I, especially after last night, pretty."

Luke hated himself for loving the toxicity...


Luke was obviously stumbling on his words and didn't know what to say, and he heard Calum's loud voice, so Ashton slyly swooped in and grabbed Luke's phone to speak to Calum himself.

"Hello, Calum." Ashton smirked slyly, even if the brunette couldn't see him.

"Ashton." Calum basically growled out, "Give me Luke back."

"No." Ashton deadpanned, "Luke chose to come with me himself, handsome one. Don't worry, I took care of him real well."

"I'll kill you." Calum seethed out, only making Ashton smirk more.

"Luke and I will be by to see both you beauty tonight; we need to discuss business. And we can see if you truly want to and even could kill me then, handsome."

"Whatever. Be here at 9. No later."

And that's all Ashton heard before the phone hung up. He handed Luke his phone back, giving him a soft smile as a thank you.

"You and I have a date with the other two tonight."




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