8 - Always and Forever

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8 - Always and Forever

Michael has never been so stressed out in his life.

It's been a week now ever since Ashton and Luke gave him their promise. He still hadn't figured out what he was going to do about this whole situation.

He hasn't told Calum. If he told him then the other two would wind up dead within a day's notice.

He offered a small, welcoming smile when Calum exited out of the bathroom and got into bed for their night's rest together.

"How was your day?"

"It was same as any other." Calum answered simply, pulling the other into his side comfortably.

Michael accepted the touch, curling up into his tanned chest that had a few tattoos, which he loved trailing his fingertips over.

"I actually do need to speak to you about an event happening soon."

"Tell me all the deets."

"There's an evening party coming up full of the CEO's of most companies I work alongside with. Nothing illegal this time. Just casual, but important business. You interested in being my beautiful partner by my side?"

"Only if I can look sexy and make everyone there jealous of you." Michael smirked up at Calum, making the brunette chuckle out knowingly.

"Well of course, beautiful."

"I'll be making all the big bosses in there begging for just an ounce of attention from you and I. Don't worry, baby, I got you."

"You are perfection." Calum said affectionally.

Calum held endless amounts of love for Michael. He needed him as much as oxygen. And that would never change.

"I could say the same about you." Michael smiled brightly before leaning up and connecting their lips into a soft, loving kiss.

They both loved how much their moments varied. They would either be the most loving and affectionate lovers with each other. Or they could be as brutal as they came, being blinded by jealously and possessiveness.

But in each of these moments they each were too aware of who they belonged to.

"Have you heard from Luke?"

Michael's eyes widened from the question that exited out of Calum's lips once they moved away from the kiss.

"No. Why?" He lied.

"Thought he'd be back by now." Calum said honestly, "He's attached to you as a fish is to bait."

"Bait..." Michael muttered under his breathe.

What if that was all he was? He hoped that was the reality of Ashton's and Luke's feelings. Him being the beautiful trophy could confuse feelings of lust and love into one.

Michael wished with all that he had that Luke and Ashton were interested now, but would eventually get over their infatuations in the upcoming future. It would make everything easier.

He truly didn't want to see anyone getting hurt. Well...he didn't want to see Calum, Luke, or Ashton getting hurt.

"I can't blame him; I never have. If I was so close to you, but forced to keep away at the same time then I would have most likely broke. I'm glad that he's been set free."

"Elaborate." He commanded quietly, making Calum narrow his eyes in confusion. But he continued anyways.

"You're beautiful, independent, sweet, teasing, and a relief inside of this world. You being by my side in the worst of times is what got me here. I'm not the only one affected by you. Everyone around you is. You're an individual that spews love, even if you are a little brat."

"You're saying that everybody loves me?"

"No. I'm saying that it's not too hard to fall in love with you."

"Well that's...news to me."

Michael didn't mind when people lusted for him. He loved being a tease that ultimately belonged to Calum.

But love...love was a different story.

Michael couldn't handle Luke and Ashton being in love with him or holding any type of love for him at all to begin with.

"I fell in love with you so fast. Everyone thought that I was dumb to let you in so quickly. They said that you were in it for the money and nothing else."

"Well..." Michael hummed out teasingly, giggling when Calum sent him a displeased look.

"But I knew that it wasn't like that. You love money, but you also love me."

"I love you more than money, Cal. And that's saying a lot."

"I know, money slut."

"Oh a new nickname for me!"

"Want to know how I knew that you loved me?"


"Because..." Calum started slyly before he quickly flipped Michael onto his back, hovering over the dazed beauty, "I taught you who you belong to."

"You sure did. Killing anyone who tried to steal me away from you." Michael said in awe, reaching up to play with Calum's hair.

"Mine always and forever."

"Yours." Michael said softly with a small smile.

He was deeply in love with Calum that it physically hurt sometimes. All the passion was so strong, too strong sometimes.

Calum was his love and he'd forever be loyal to him. He didn't mind playing around with other's feelings for the game, but Calum didn't mind at all.

As long as Calum owned Michael's heart at the end of the day then Michael could have all the fun in the world.


What did you think of Malum's small conversation? 🤙🏻

This event going on...is anything eventful going to happen? 👀


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