14 - The Bad Guy

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14 - The Bad Guy

With his strong hand gripping onto his lover's, Calum wasn't looking forward to their night.

After Michael had his confrontation with Ashton and Luke, he was honest with Calum about what happened and told him about the dinner invite.

Now here the two were, hand in hand, and walking into the restaurant that Ashton ordered them to be at.

Both of the lovers weren't happy about this situation, hence them barely showing up half an hour late just as a big fuck you to the ones they were meeting up with.

"We're guests of Ashton Irwin this evening." Calum said to the hostess once they stepped forwards to her, making her nod knowingly and gesture for them to follow her.

"Stick to my side and keep quiet. I love you and your words, baby. But tonight we need to do things differently." Calum ordered the other, sending Michael a soft look.

"I understand, master." Michael nodded, clutching onto Calum's hand tighter.

"By the way...you look absolutely beautiful tonight."

Michael blushed bashfully, sending Calum an appreciative smile. Dressed in a short, glittery black dress, Michael was definitely catching the fancy restaurant attendee's eyes. With velvet black heels on, he felt even more powerful in the moment.

The hostess led them to a room in the back that was completely empty other than the two men they were meeting. Once the woman opened the door for them, Luke's and Ashton's eyes snapped onto the powerful couple who strode in.

They hated to admit it, but Michael and Calum were such a good looking and working pair together. They were in sync with each other from the small to the large things. Even with the way they walked together, the couple always seemed to be tuned in as one.

"Thirty-four minutes late." Ashton said as soon as the couple approached the table.

"Take it or leave it." Calum said in return, pulling out Michael's chair for the beauty and pushing him in once he took his seat.

Calum then took his own seat, glaring at Ashton who was sat across from him. He hated that man with everything he had.

"Beautiful as always." Ashton grinned towards the beauty, but Michael only huffed and looked away from him.

"You can speak to me. You do not get to speak to him." Calum warned, making Ashton slowly look back at the brunette with a challenging glare.

"I speak with who I want. When I want."

"Not in my goddamn city."

Luke's eyes widened when he saw this interaction. He understood the dynamic of the situation and that both had the right to have some tension. But Calum and Ashton seemed to be stuck in some sort of alpha male competition.

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