23 - Times of War

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23 - Times of War

"So you really forgave him just like that?" Luke asked in a disbelief when him and Michael got back home, where Calum then took his leave after he dropped them off in order to figure this all out.

"He said he was sorry."

"Okay...?" Luke asked still in a disbelief when he followed Michael into the kitchen while the beauty looked for a snack, feeling much better now.

"Okay what? What else do you want me to do?"

"You were pissed off at him! And now you're all lovey dovey with him? I don't get it, Michael."

"There is nothing to get, Luke." Michael gave him a look when he started to cut up a peach, "It's what couples do. They fight and then they make up."

"You haven't talked to him for two weeks. It's unhealthy, kitty."

"We're not normal or perfect by any means. It doesn't matter and it's definitely not unhealthy."

"You're trying to convince yourself that. I can see how much better you'd be without him."

"Don't!" Michael glared at the blonde when he slammed the knife down, "I try so fucking hard to keep myself together and try not to show how much this tears me up on the inside, knowing that people are going to get hurt because of me. You only make it worse."

"I make it worse because you feel guilty. Because you care about me." Luke tried to explain softly, approaching the beauty to place his hands onto his cheeks gently, "Just let me care for you in return."

"It's not simple. Nothing around here is."

"My feelings for you, Michael Clifford, have never been simple." Luke chuckled lovingly down at the male, "It's been a whirlpool of pain, lust, and love with you. But one day it will be worth it."

"And if that day never comes? I don't think that I can afford losing a friend like you, Luke."

"I'll always be your friend. Whether you continue being in Calum's arms or whether you're in mine. The question is: will you continue to let me be your friend if the needed outcome is set for Calum?"

"The needed outcome?" Michael asked confused before realizing what he had meant.

He tried to move out of Luke's grip, but the other wouldn't let him. He only shushed him and tried to explain, "This is a war over you. Death is inevitable in times of war."

"Nobody has to die! Especially over me. You can't just hurt each other and expect me to be okay with it. Nobody wins like this." Michael shook his head.

"I'm willing to do anything for you." Luke said seriously, "And that's a promise."

"How can you and Ashton think that you killing Calum would benefit you in any way? It will only make me despise you. He's the love of my life."

"Tell me then: who's arms have you been in? Who have you been talking to about your anger and pain? Who have you trusted to take care of you?"

"Stop." Michael shook his head painfully.

"Just tell me the truth."

"You! Okay? It's all been you."

"Because I love you."

"Fuck, I know! I know, Luke. I love you too. But there's nothing that I can possibly do about that. I'm trying to protect you here."

"There's no need to protect me."

"There is." Michael stared up at him desperately, painfully even, "Because I can't lose you."

"You'll never lose me."

"I will when Ashton or Calum kills you."

"It won't happen. I'll do everything and anything in my power to protect the both of us. Even if that means fleeing to another continent. I'm willing to work to make this work. No matter the cost, as long as that means I get your heart." Luke basically begged.

He needed Michael at this point. Seeing Michael in Calum's arms wasn't right to him. He should always be in his instead.

Michael didn't know what to say. Luke was willing to risk everything for him. He loved him and cared for him that much.

But Michael cared and loved Luke so much that he was able to push him away. Because he was smart and he knew that this would only result in him getting hurt.

But whenever Luke would confess these sweet, loving things to him, Michael would always melt. The bright blue eyes were going to be the end of him because everytime he looked into them he realized more and more how much he really loved him.

But nothing was simple like he had already stated. He also loved Calum. He would never stop loving Calum. Letting go of Calum would never be in the books either.

And then there was Ashton...Michael didn't love Ashton; he didn't even know him that well other than he was powerful and dangerous. But that man was also willing to risk everything for him.

Michael had no clue on what to do and how to do it.

So when Luke slowly inched closer by leaning down with his blue eyes set onto Michael's lips, Michael was stuck in a scene of want and guilt.

He wanted to kiss Luke. He wanted to feel his lips work against the other's. God...he wanted all of Luke. He wanted to feel his body against Luke's and to experience all of him.

But Calum. There would always be Calum.

"I can't." Michael said painfully, moving his face last minute as soon as Luke's lips were about to connect with his, "I'm sorry."

"Never apologize for saying no." Luke said and stepped back, even though he felt the pain of rejection hit his chest like a brick.

Michael guiltily looked up at the blonde, suddenly leaving the room and the other behind without a word. The beauty wanted Luke and he finally was realizing that now. But...there was nothing he could do about it.


Muke </3


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