26 - A Little Bit of Control

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26 - A Little Bit of Control

Luke and Michael forced Calum to make another meeting with Ashton. The four of them needed to share each other's information about whoever attacked them during the other meeting. If they didn't combine information and instead tried to work by themselves then no efficient move was going to be able to be made.

So with a large scowl on his face, Calum led Luke and Michael out of his car and to the front door of the address Ashton had sent them to. It was a large mansion just like Calum's.

Calum would never admit it, but Michael would: it was just a little more extravagant than Calum's. The design was better with a gothic Victorian feel to the establishment compared to an unassigned and modern white structure.

It took about a minute for Ashton to answer and open the door with a large smirk after Calum rang the bell.

"Come right in, gentlemen." The three men entered the house, instantly eyeing the interior.

Luke didn't appreciate or admire decorations and aesthetics like Michael did. But even he was able to notice and appreciate the taste of Ashton. The man wasn't afraid to show the world that he was rich and well put together.

Michael—being the one who loved to express his riches and beauty—appreciated Ashton's style and overall aesthetic of his home. The dark paintings and art that littered the room introduced all visitors to Ashton's success in a manner of seconds. It only made Ashton more and more intriguing.

Of course Calum wasn't impressed. He couldn't focus on the good taste of Ashton because he was too caught up in the constant battle between himself and the said man. He wouldn't appreciate Ashton's taste so easily like the other two.

Ashton led the three men down the hallway and into his large living room, motioning for the men to sit down across from where he took a seat on one of the black leather couches.

The three quietly sat together on the other leather seat and waited for Ashton to start the meeting. Ashton smirked when he saw the three men waiting for him to begin, like they assumed he was the leader and would lead them through this, even if he didn't call for the meeting.

"I do recall that I didn't set this meeting up."

"You know what this is about." Calum stated, being the one in the middle of the other two men, "So get on with telling me what you know."

"Know regarding...?"

"Regarding the people who attacked us and risked beauty's safety." 

"I don't know who did it." He answered simply.

Calum narrowed his eyes dangerously from the briefness of Ashton, "And why don't you care that you don't know? Why are you not trying harder to figure it out?"

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