18 - The Honest Truth is Dirty

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18 - The Honest Truth is Dirty

"You know that he was only annoyed that you weren't listening to him, right?"

"Fuck off, Luke."

Michael was obviously still upset about him being disregarded by Calum a few days ago. The fact that the couple hasn't spoken and that Michael was there being watched by Luke in his own home proved that both him and Calum were upset.

But Luke was excited being the babysitter.

"I'm quite happy with being here."

"Of course you are."

Luke sighed from the attitude Michael was giving him, taking the hint to be quiet and to put his attention on the television that was on in Michael's room.

Luke was laying down comfortably in Michael's room while Michael was sat at his vanity's chair, sulking and looking outside of the window.

Michael noticed the sudden quietness from Luke, making him look slightly to the side and at the now zoned out blonde who was too busy watching some pointless show.

Michael couldn't help but to smile lightly when the other had laughed at something one of the characters said. The blonde looked so soft and caring, which he was if you were the right person. If you were Michael.

But Michael knew Luke. He knew not to judge a book by its cover because Luke was one of the most brutal men he's ever met.

He was always determined to get what he wanted and he didn't care who had to die for it. It's a surprise to Michael that Luke hasn't tried to kill Calum.

In another lifetime he could see Luke as his.

"Why did you decide to leave Ashton behind?" Michael suddenly asked, not being able to suppress his curiosity anymore.

"Oh now you want to talk?" Luke asked with his eyes still being laid onto the television.

"Whatever, brat. I'm not playing games with you."

Luke chuckled when he heard the annoyed tone from Michael, making him look over at the male who already turned forwards to look outside the window once again.

"You get worked up so quickly. Why don't you ever just take the time to relax and calm down?"

"I don't have time to calm down. Calum is a loving asshole, Ashton is a scary asshole, and you're an annoying asshole. And of course the stars lined up for all three of you wanting me at the same time."

"You're scared of Ashton?"

"I'm scared of what he's capable of doing."

"To you or Calum?"

"Both. And you."

"Me?" Luke grinned, "Do you care about me?"

"Shut up, Luke. You know I do." Michael crossed his arms and turned sideways again to look over at the blonde who sat up to sit on the edge of the bed.

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