In truth, i think Duncan still misses her, back in Los Angeles, there was one girl that gave him that nickname, she was a good friend... she was...

Duncan: "About damn time! What took  you so long you lazy fox?!"

Ahri faked being hurt.

Ahri: "Tch, tch, tch, Duncan, Duncan. A lady needs time to prepare for going out.", she moved her index finger from left to right.

Duncan: "Sure, i will call you when i see one."

Ahri scoffed, then took the ice cream that  Duncan offered her.

Ahri: "So have you been taking care of this hotheaded idiot, little one?", she asked in a joking tone while having a smug expression.

Ashley: "Yeah, i did, but he's a handful, i might need some help."

Ahri: "I can see that, not to worry, i will help in taking care of this big bad wolf.", she patted my head.

Duncan: "Oi! This wolf bites!",

Ahri: "Ohhh~, does he now~?"

Ahri spoke in a strange tone as she aproached Duncan, guess she hasn't heard of personal space, in the meantime Duncan was blushing a storm while keeping eye contact, all the while having an annoyed expression.

Ashley: "Booo~, get a room you two!"

They finally departed, or better said Ahri took a few steps back, while having a mischevious smile.

Ahri: "Ohhh~, jealous that i might take him?"

Ashley: "Damm right i am, he is my brother!"

Ahri: "Then i better work hard to get your approval~.", she whispered into my ear.

She really is interested in my brother?!

Duncan: "Oi, the hell are you whispering about?", he asked suspicious.

Ahri: "That's a secret between us girls, isn't that right little one?", she winked at me

I giggled in exchanged.

Duncan only sighed, already knowing that i won't be spealing the beans.

Suddenly we came to a halt, Ahri and Duncan having quite the scary expressions.

Duncan: "Oi, fox... do you...?"

Ahri: "... yeah..."

The atmosphere was quite scary, the air suddenly turned cold. Duncan and Ahri nodded to eachother, i was gonna ask what is going on but, the only thing i got out was yelp of surprise as Duncan suddenly took me in his arms all princess style and took off running full speed with Ahri following suit.

Behind them i saw a flash of light and heard flapping of what i assumed to be wings? Looking once more i saw people in the sky?! With black wings?! T-this must be a dream, i was afraid of what i was seeing, my breathing became erratic, and my heart started to beat faster, filled with anxiety.

Duncan: "Fucking crows! What the bloody hell are they doing here?!", he yelled while avoiding something hitting him.

Ahri: "Not a clue, but this might start a war! Don't you think it's time to let the other guy out?!"

Duncan: "Not with Ash here! Not a chance!... agh! Not helping you pile of bones! Grrrh!"

Just what are they talking about?! Other guy?! And why is smoke coming out of Duncan's eyes?!

Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x RWBY) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن