A Much Needed Conversation

Start from the beginning

"Hey girl!" Hunter said with a bubbly voice. Roseanne smiled as the other girls greeted her as well. The five of them then walked into the main building and to their respective home rooms. Vanessa and Roseanne sat down next to each other, but Roseanne couldn't help let her eyes drift over to y/n.

She was laughing with the girl next to her, seemingly forgetting about Roseanne. Roseanne didn't know how to feel, but her attention was back on Vanessa as she talked about how she's getting a nerd to do all her homework.

"And then when I saw the snake, I screamed so loud that my voice cracked really bad!" Olivia said to y/n as y/n laughed hearing the story. Olivia and y/n have always been friends throughout school, just never super close. They had a few classes together here and there, and only met up outside of school for projects. But the in school friendship between them was fun.

"I wish I would've heard you scream like that, Liv." Y/n said with a shake of her head, the smile still tugging at her lips. The two remained talking until the bell rang. Everyone got up and headed to their next class with their friends. Y/n didn't even notice how Roseanne had waited outside the classroom for her because she was too preoccupied with talking to someone else. Roseanne didn't take it to heart though because she knew y/n was just still mad at her and she didn't want any interaction with her right now.

The day dragged on for Roseanne, more than she'd care to admit. Her mind was revolving around how to word everything to her best friend later. She was zoning out in class and she mentally scolded herself because she'd have to teach herself everything at home. But that wasn't her biggest problem or priority: y/n was.

She wishes she was sitting next to her during lunch outside, but y/n was nowhere to be found. So she just decided to sit with Vanessa and her friends.

"So, why are you still friends with that girl?" Vanessa asked in a disgusted way. Roseanne furrowed her eyebrows at the girl, not knowing who she was talking about since she didn't say a name. But Vanessa was looking past her, so Roseanne turned around on her seat and saw y/n standing there, staring her down with a blank expression. Roseanne gave her a smile, but y/n just rolled her eyes and turned to head back inside with her food.

"She's so weird and annoying. Like can she just wear the uniform without throwing a hissy fit? My god." Vanessa complained as the other girls agreed with her. Roseanne glanced around at the other girls, not wanting to go against what they were saying.

Deep down Roseanne knew what they were saying about y/n was horrible, but that part of her that wanted to be popular in school was becoming more dominant.

"Yeah, I don't know. She's always been like that with clothing." Roseanne added as the girls seemed impressed she added something to the conversation. Emily hummed,

"We should just get her kicked out of the school; it'd be so much better without her."

The girls continued chatting as Roseanne pitched in here and there. Other girls would try to come up and start a conversation, but they'd get immediately shot down. Roseanne felt bad for the girls, but not bad enough to stick up for them and call the girls out for being rude.

The sense of her being in some crappy high school movie and being a part of the mean girl group gave Roseanne new life. It was thrilling for her in some weird, messed up way. Like living two lives; one of being a good student and the other being mean.

She could get used to it.

And she could make up with y/n and live that double life. She'll be friends with her outside of school and then hangout with the girls during school. Roseanne smiled to herself as she ate her lunch, proud of the little plan she had come up with.

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