"I don't know, why don't you ask him" she said seriously. "It could be a she" Stiles disagreed. "Oh there's no way that's a she, you know it kind of looks like what I'd imagine Jackson as if he was an animal. A scaly lizard. I seriously hate that guy" she said thoughtfully humming to herself.

"Do you see it?" Stiles said out of breath. "No" Derek responded. "Maybe it took off" stiles gasped nodding until it hissed loudly. "Maybe not" Derek stated. "Definitely not" Sage sighed already tired of swimming. "Will you get me out of here before I drown?" Derek stated annoyed at the predicament he was in. "Your worried about drowning? Did you not notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Did you notice that I'm paralyzed from the neck down in 8 feet of water?" Derek shot back. "You know I noticed both of those things other than the fact we're in 7 feet of water not 8, anyway that's not the point. Why don't the both of you shut the hell up because I've got a plan. For some reason the venom doesn't effect me and the lizard thing didn't attack me when it could have, so you two stay here and I'll get the phone and call for help. Yep okay" she explained before letting go and swimming towards the edge making the two boys go under slightly.

"Woah Sage wait" Derek called out as the kanima neared the edge of the water before touching it and backing away. "Did you see that, I don't think it can swim. Hurry and get the phone Sage" Siles shouted causing the girl to swim forwards and grab the phone. "Stiles, what the heck is your passcode?" She shouted. "Oh crap, I'm coming to you" Stiles decided. "No, no, no, no. Don't even think about it" Derek stressed. "Would you just trust me this once?" He questioned.

"No!" The wolf exclaimed. "We're the ones keeping you alive, okay? Have you noticed that?" He tried. "Yeah. And when the paralysis wears off, who's gonna be able to fight that thing, you or me?" He reasoned. "Neither I am, but your my brother. That's why me and Stiles have been holding you up for two hours. Stiles get ready to let go of him and swim here quickly to trade places with me, you grab the phone and I'll swim over there and pull Derek back up. And I swear Stiles don't drop the damn phone" Sage explained her plan.

"No you are not letting me go. Just tell Sage the passcode" he seethed. "It's more of a pattern" Stiles stammered awkwardly. "Seriously, why can't you just have a passcode like everyone else" The alpha deadpanned. Stiles breathed heavily before dropping Derek ignoring his shout of protest before he went under, swimming quickly so that Sage could go and pull Derek up.

She swam quickly towards her brother grabbing his shirt and pulling him back up to the surface of the water where Stiles was calling Scott who'd ended the call on him. "Did you ring him" An out of breath Sage questioned. "He hung up on me" Stiles said with wide eyes. "Well then call somebody else" Sage stated like it was obvious looking towards a guilty Stiles who'd thrown his phone away in anger moments prior. "Seriously" Derek glared. "I could have drowned and your plan didn't even work" he fumed. "Oh shut up, your such a drama queen. It was a good plan and you know it" she said smugly looking towards her unimpressed brother with a grin.

"What do we do now?" Stiles asked nervously. "We can't stay up for much longer, we can swim over to that diving board and hold ourselves up, it's the best we've got until Derek's paralysis wears off" Sage said dejectedly at the thought of staying in the water longer. "Alright let's do it" The human nodded in agreement. "You so owe me some new clothes after this" She muttered to her brother.

They had just reached the diving board reaching up to grab it before slipping back off again causing all three to go under before a hand grabbed them and pulled them out of the water. Scott fought the kanima as Derek, Sage and Stiles caught their breath, eventually scaring it off with its own reflection making Derek and Sage look at each other in realization. "Kanima" Sage groaned to herself laying her head on the floor out of exhaustion.


"What the hell is that thing" Scott groaned. "It's called a kanima" Sage sighed walking over to the boys with Derek and Erica. "You knew the whole time" Stiles sighed. "No. Only when it was confused by its own reflection" Derek explained. "Remember how I told you our family had a bestiary, me and Derek read it a couple times when we were kids. I don't remember much but" she trailed off. "It doesn't know what it is" Scott realized. "Or who" Derek finished. "What else do you know?" Stiles asked Derek irritated.

"Just stories. Rumors really. We didn't know that any of the things in the bestiary existed at the time, we thought the were just folklores. We didn't pay much attention to the details" Sage cleared up. "But it's like us?" Scott asked trying to understand. "A shape shifter yes. But it's not right. It's like a" Derek trailed trying to find the correct word. "An abomination" Stiles filled in nodding. Just as Derek and Erica were about to leave Scott shouted him.

"We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the argents" He told the older wolf. "You trust them?" He angered. "Nobody trusts anyone. That's the problem. Well we're here arguing about whose on what side, there's something scarier, stronger and faster than any of us and it's killing people! And we still don't know anything about it" Scott shouted. "I know one thing. When I find it I'm gonna kill it." Derek said walking storming away.


I love Sage and stiles being sarcastic together and pissing Derek off. Sorry that there's no Issac in this chapter but he wasn't really in this episode and there wasn't anywhere I could really add him in but he'll start popping up a lot more soon so I can build their relationship abit more.

I've got so many things planned for this book and I'm really impatient and just want to write them all already.

I wonder why Sage isnt effected by the Kanima venom ;) there is going to be a reason for that but it's not going to be revealed until way on into the story. It will all make sense soon. :)

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