The pair soon entered the school gate and heard the chatter of the many girls, telling each other what they did over break. Y/n was still being dragged by her best friend down the crowded hallways to their home room. They entered a classroom finally and Mrs. Smith was sitting at her desk, typing away at her computer. There was a seating chart displayed on the wall and Roseanne went immediately to it.

"Rosie, where do I sit?" Y/n asked as she scanned over the desks. Roseanne looked back at her best friend and pointed,

"That one." Y/n nodded her head and went over to the desk, taking her backpack off and setting it next to her desk. She then sat down and grimaced at the fact she was still wearing the horrible dress. She waited patiently for Roseanne to take her seat, hopefully by her, but much to her dismay, Roseanne went over across the room and sat down next to the popular girls.

The popular girls were Theresa, Emily, Hunter, and Vanessa. The four of them were basically the mean girls of the school; all four of them being cheerleaders. They always got what they wanted and bullied anyone who got in their way. Y/n absolutely loathed them because they would always pick on her once she was able to wear her alternative uniform. Roseanne and their friend group would stick up for her, but sometimes they weren't always around.

So it made y/n sick to her stomach when Roseanne smiled and laughed along with whatever they were talking about.

Y/n slouched down in her chair and the bell rang, signaling that the school day had now started. Attendance was called and morning announcements were made over the speaker. Y/n tried to not let her eyes wander over to Roseanne, but they'd end up glancing at her anyway. It seemed like her best friend was getting rather comfortable with the clique she hated.

Y/n and her friend group were just... there. They weren't popular nor unknown. They just went through school like regular people and didn't have any drama. They were well rounded in all subjects, but not exceptionally smart in any, so being nerds was out of the question. The best word that would fit their group would simply be... normal.

The bell rang again and everyone got up to go to their first class of the day. Y/n knew that she and Roseanne had the class together, so she quickly got her bag and went to walk over to Roseanne. But she was already halfway out the door with Vanessa by her side. The smile that was on her face dropped as she felt someone stand next to her. She glanced to her right and saw her friend Sydney standing there giving her a sad smile.

"She's just being brainwashed right now. Rosie will come back to her senses by the end of the day." Sydney said as she patted her shoulder. Y/n sighed and hoped her friend was right. They walked to their class together and then when they walked into the room, Roseanne was still chatting up a storm with Vanessa and her group of bitches.

Y/n sat in the back of the room as per usual and thankfully Sydney was there right next to her. Y/n took her notebook and pencil out, ready to start taking notes and doodling in the margins of her paper.

"Alright class, I'm Miss Jackson, I'll be your English Literature teacher this year."

The class dragged on and the next few felt just as long and torturous. Y/n sat next to random girls for the rest of her classes as Roseanne was always not seated near her. Y/n still made conversation with the girls and had made some new friends, while Roseanne had also made some new friends.

Lunch was now upon the school and everyone gathered in the canteen to get their food. One nice thing about Australia was that people could eat outside almost all the time. Y/n shifted her weight around on her feet as she went down the lunch line with her tray. She got her lunch and then headed straight outside.

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