Instead of talking normally I looked at him

What are you hiding Jimin ?

He gulped straight not meeting my gaze

But in no time he directly looked in my eyes

They were different form the other days and with some guilt .

Just know that Yoongi may seem bad but he's not bad for you .

What ? What are you saying ?

He have his reasons to be what he is today . You have no idea .

His breath was uneven with his eyes going narrowed with each uneven breath he took what was he trying to say ?

My lips formed a thin line in confusion . Not bad for me ? Really ?

Jimin he had caused enough hatred for me I blurted out . This time anger taking all over me . What he did to me inorder to hurt me came infront of my eyes .

First sending me the letter and telling me he felt pity on me then fooling me with the head officer thing then insulting me infront of the officers and then burning my final hope the proofs in the Hazel Hospital . And you are telling me he's not bad for me.

I kept my tears to myself .

He looked at me with same cold sad eyes

Still you love him don't you .

My heart stopped .

He gave a sad smile and then came closer to me .

He put his plam on my hand .

I stared at his hand And one drop fell off without any warning .

I don't know why he did these things you stated just now but I can gurentee you that he didn't do it because he individually wanted you to get hurt , there will be something else .

I always felt there's something to it why don't you tell me . But the things he does, makes me feel otherwise . Does he hate me this much ?

I asked him still being all worned out from my crying .

He doesn't like me Jimin he's a murderer -

You know about Tyler ? I'm not suppose to tell you this but I have to .

I widened my eyes in shock at the sudden mentioning of his name .

What about him ?

He killed him because he was planning to hurt you he cut his hands and fingers because he tried to touch you he killed Tyler because of your safety .

My mouth hug open

Because of me ?

For my safety ? So that day ? Was it him ? Why does he care suddenly ? One more tear slipped .

Why suddenly he wants to protect me after hurting me ? After ignoring me for all the years.

As I told you he has his reasons don't hate him.

If he comes to know I told you about Tyler he will become angry and one more thing about the hospital it was because -
My family had done something very bad to him which cannot be forgiven

His voice took a bitter tone . He lowered his head .

He wasn't planning to burn the hospital because of me , but then I took you out and-

There was a sound of car entering . Jimin stopped talking .

I think they are back .

He got up .

And then turned to face me .

Remember whatever I told you don't mention it infront of him .

I looked at him with puzzlement and he closed the door behind him within no time .

I was so confused and my heart kept beating .

He killed Tyler because he was troubling me ?

Was this bad ? If he wants to protect me ? But why suddenly ? When he showed no interest and also now when he treats me like shit . And what about Yumi and their dating ?

Hughhhh I grabbed my hair in my hands

What is happening but why the thing what Jimin said that he wants to protect me makes my heart beat even faster . Oh god I rolled on the bed .

He cares about me ? Really ? How should I believe this ?

Eerie || Min Yoongi  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin