My Wifi- 19

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"The heart was made to be broken"


The breakdown of Crystal and the flashback


I laid on my bed as I stared into the empty ceiling, staring into nothing as I felt my heart feel empty. I had awoken to meet the room I had grown up, around the posters I had drew of Ace. Reminding me of everything I had wished for, everything I had hoped for but now I had witnessed it all crumble.

I lost myself in love, that finding myself was hard. I was broken beyond the point I could collect myself.

"You we're just thirteen when I arrived back from Greece, I had attended yours and Callista's birthday party. You were dressed in the beautiful blue gown, your hair was tied into a cute neat bun." I sat up as I heard his voice, he stood near the door. His perfectly gelled hair was now in a scruffy mess, his green eyes which held so much emotions were dull.

"Let me finish, please." He pleaded, his eyes were glossy making me silent as he approached me. He took in the mess I had made myself into. He sat beside me looking into the wall ahead of us.

"Callista's laughter had filled the room, I had never seen someone laugh so heartedly. So full of life, it surprised me. Growing up in Greece with my grandparents I was away from my parents, I hated my father for sending me away but when I walked into the room and stood beside my mother I never knew someone could feel so happy." He paused, I did not look at him as he spoke about Callie. My eyes had dried from the tears, I had nothing to cry for.

"Then I saw this girl, she was staring at me. Her eyes looked lost like me, she said nothing but it made me want to smile and so I did. I smiled and waved my hands, it seemed to have made you smile and that made me happy. When you danced with your father I envied the love you had from your parents but as I looked deeper into your eyes I saw how lonely you looked. But I needed someone to light my dull world and Callie had seemed to just that, she was there when I felt myself crumble that I believed it was love." He continued, we listened silently as we did not look too afraid we would crumble by our next words.

"I thought the hand she gave me was love, the guidance she offered was love and I went along with it. She was the only girl who offered me a friendship, who stood beside me when I felt like I had no one-

I was in a country that was foreign to me, grown up in Greece only to come here and see how different everything was I began to rely on Callista." His fingers found my hand, he tangled our fingers together but did not say anything. I just stayed silent waiting for him to continue.

"I would watch you from afar, you were always in your own world. You happily gave to everyone but never once did you ask for anything back, it made me angry to why you would let everyone run over you that I began to be rude to you. But you silently just smiled, it was not long before you began to respond to me. You attracted me, but I denied it telling myself I loved your sister. When I was offered to marry your sister, I took that as a sign that it was her who I was meant to be with, I further distanced myself from you. I stopped looking at you from afar, but destiny brought you back to me in my life-

I felt guilty to feel attracted to you when your sister had an accident and I was married to you." I turned my head to look at the side of his face, I had not realised all of this had been inside of him.

"I could not help myself feel attracted to you, I took the chance when you offered me friendship. If that was the only way I was going to be close to you so be it, but you were like the petals to my thorny stem. I would die without you, but I would blossom with you. Seeing you dance with William triggered me, I could not see you with him I hated every moment I wanted to be selfish and wanted to have you all to myself-

So I asked you on a date, but when I found out about Callista waking up it made me remember that I could not be unfair to her, she had extended her hand and I had taken it and I could not let it go even if I wanted to. So I thought letting you go would make everything go back to how it was but it never, I could not remove you from my thoughts. You had become my addiction, but when I saw you I knew I lost you I had broken you beyond the point but again I am selfish góissa, I want to be the man you wake up to every morning and cuddle every night." He completed, my eyes had filled with tears as he finally turned to look at me his own eyes were filled with tears. It had been the first time I had seen his eyes gloss with tears.

"I can not do this to Callista." I whispered, wiping my tears away. He nodded his head whilst lowering his head, I watched as a tear escaped his eyes and fell on to my duvet.

"I know, I am going to marry her the next day after prom. But I wanted you to know that I love you, I will wait for you. Right till I am vowed to your sister, if you do not come and stop the marriage I will let you go." He whispered, he turned his body so he was facing me. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, his lingered there for a while as I closed my eyes cherishing the moment.

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