My Wifi- 7

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"A dream is a wish your heart makes"


It had been an hour since Cathy had left, I had busied myself in the kitchen preparing my dinner. Laying the tray on the counter, with the freshly made lasagne, resting it too cook down.

I narrowed my eyebrows when's I heard the knock on the front door, I had not been expect anyone. As I neared the front door, I heard my phone bing and instantly my lips turned into a frown knowing very well who it is.

Twisting the door knob and pulling it open, I come face to face with Ace. His hands are shoved inside his jeans, his hair was still combed neatly making him look perfect.

"Can I come inside?" He asked, I stared at him for a good few minutes inspecting him hoping to realise why he had come. When I had come up with no valid reasons I step aside allowing him to walk in.
"Why are you here?" I asked, shutting the front door. He cleared his throat looking around my condo which I had cleaned no long ago, before his eyes settled on me.

"Earlier, I had offered my hand for friendship. But our conversation was cut short." Instantly remembering the conversation we had earlier on, I looked down at my hand biting my lower lips before looking at him only to witness him staring at my lips making me clear my throat snapping him out.

"Look, I do not want your sympathy. If this is because we had sex, don't bother." I said sternly, my offer had been genuine as I wanted to get pass the barrier between us but his was out of guilt a mistake he had made by having sex with me, a mistake he had made by taking my virginity.

"I will not deny part of my reason is because of what had happened but a bigger part of me wants to have a civil relationship without feel like strangers. You were right, it would make everything easier." I stared at him longer which repeating his words in my head, he wanted a friendship, he wanted a civil relationship and he did not want to be strangers.

"What if I want more than friendship?" I asked, I watched his fingers comb his hair as he looked at me whilst licking his lips.
"Crystal please, I can't give you what you want. Don't get me wrong, your beautiful, amazing, kind, hot and any guy would want you but that person is not me." I let out a sigh, I knew his answer before he had said it. I knew my crush for him was baseless, he would never feel the same way about me.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked, he looked startled and confused.
"Excuse me?" He asked, his eyebrows narrowed in confusion.
"Friendship right. Let's begin this by watching a movie and having dinner, I made lasagna." A smile appeared on his lips as he extended his hands which I shook with a small smile on my face.

"I knew I was smell something delicious when I entered your condo." I chuckled at that which earned a smirk from him, I playfully pushed him.
"Pick a movie and I'll grab us some food." I said walking away with a smile still on my face, maybe I can accept being friends with him.


I grabbed the tissue before passing it beside to towards Ace who was silently crying after watching Titanic, he acted as if something had gone in his eyes but we both knew too well.

"How did she just throw a necklace worth a million into the ocean." He yelled pointing at the final screen.
"Well that necklace was given to whilst she was in the titanic ship so she buried it where it all began and ended." I replied back, this had not been my first time watching Titanic but I knew it was his so I had played it, ignoring his protest how he did not like romantic movies I knew he had secretly enjoyed it.

"How can Jack sacrifice himself, I can never. Especially for someone he met a few days ago." He said disagreeing with majority parts of the movie, I rolled my eyes at him.
"Well when you love someone your willing to sacrifice anything." I replied back to him whilst grabbing our plates and taking it to the kitchen, I placed the plates in the sink before walking back to where Ace was sitting.

"I disagree, love is not about sacrifice. It's about compromising, dying for someone is just a extent level of suicide." He said as I sat back down beside him, I laughed at his words and shook my head.
"Well let me know if you still have the same thought when your in love." I laughed, but stopped when I saw him silently just looking away. I did not know if I had said something which had upset him.

"It's getting late, I should get going." He said standing up and grabbing his jacket, I nodded my head silently as I followed him to the front door before opening the door for him.
"Bye." I said as he nodded his head, walking out I watched him walk down the balcony hallway towards the elevator.

"Ace." I yelled making him stop and turn around, his eyebrows arched in confusion to why I had called him.
"Yes?" He yelled back.
"I had a great time. Thank you." I yelled back, I saw a smirk appear on his lips making me playfully roll my eyes at him.

"Ditto." He yelled back before entering the elevator, I smiled walking back inside closing the door behind me. I guess this new friendship is not bad after all. I made my way towards the kitchen to clean up the plate and put it away, placing the left over lasagne in the fridge I stretched realising I needed a hot bath before bed.

My Wi-Fi (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now