My Wifi- 15

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"The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else comfortable"




Arriving at the Reid mansion, I greeted the maid as I passed them and walked into the kitchen. Betsy and my mother stood there dressed in there apron, they turned and gave me a warm smile as I approached them.

"Great, you have arrived. There is an apron there, we can start baking." Mother said, nodding my head I placed the bag on the floor and shrugged my jacket off and placed it on the floor beside my bad before grabbing the apron and tying it around me.

A week had gone by since the news of Callie making it, she had made drastic improvement. She was now able to talk, and with the help of a nurse or a family member who was able to sit up and balance her upper body. We had decided that before going to the hospital today we would bake and cook some food for Callista as we were aware of her dislikes to hospital food.

"So I can begin by making the brownies." I said to which they agreed, the equipments and ingredients had already been set out so it was easier and we did not beef struggle with finding everything.
"I have been meaning to ask you, Crystal about the decision you have made regarding the divorce-" I placed my hands on top of Betsy's as she spoke cutting her off,

"The decision I made Betsy in my opinion was right, there is no point me being involved in a marriage with Ace if his heart belonged somewhere else." I said hoping she would understand, I watched her lower her gaze and let out a sigh.
"But sweetie, you are his wife. If his heart belongs somewhere else it is your job to grab him by the ears and make him realise who is in front of you." She replied back to which I shook my head, I would have done what she had said but I could never do that to my sister.

"I was never his first option, heck I was never any of yours first option for him. I was chosen after the accident of Callie to be his wife, and I have respected and accepted it until now." I said, they remained silent knowing what I had said was correct I was never who they had initially planned for Ace to marry it had always been Callie.

I was just the option they had left.

"Betsy would you mind helping me grab the sugar from the stock room?" Mother asked, she did not look at me once I knew I had upset her. Heck, which mother would want there daughter to go through with a divorce but I knew it was always Callie who she wanted to marry Ace.

"I will be right behind you." Betsy said as mother walked out of the kitchen.
"You were always my choice, Crystal. I had initially wanted to approach your parents for your hand but your parents assumed I had asked for Callista's and well I never corrected them." I was shocked by her words, she did not give me a chance to reply as she walked out my eyes went on the flour which I had poured into a bowl.

Turning around I screamed as I bumped into a hard body, making the flour being thrown everywhere as I landed on the ground with the heavy body on top of me. I looked into the forest green eyes knowing instantly who it was, his hair was covered in flour making me let out a small giggle.

"What's so funny?" He asked, his eyes held amusement as he stared at me.
"Your covered in flour." I said before bursting into a fit of laughter which he joined in, we both was laughing like idiots and my stomach was hurting from how much I was laughing.

We stopped laughing when we heard a voice clear there throat, instantly the laughter died and we realised the position we were in. Ace stood up first before extending his hands towards me, grabbing his hands I pushed myself off the ground before quickly letting go of him.

We turned to see my mother and Betsy standing near the archway of the kitchen. Betsy held a small smile on her face as she stared at us.
"I apologies for the mess." I said quickly dusting the flour off my clothes.

"Ohh it's fine sweetie, why don't you both go upstairs and change. I am sure Ace can give you something to wear." She said with a knowing smirk, I bit my lower lips debating whether I should accept her offer or not.
"You can follow me upstairs." Ace said as he began to walk, I silently followed behind him not saying anything as we made it upstairs and into his room.

"I don't have much that can fit you, but you can borrow my shirts they should reach your knees and I will pull out a boxer for you." I nodded my head at his words, looking at the mess I had made of my self in the mirror.

I watched as he pulled his top over his head, I bit my lower lips looking him up and down. He surely did look like a piece of cake to eat, I looked away when I realised I had been caught.

"So should I go first to shower or you know you can go." I began to ramble on, feeling butterflies in my stomach which made me avoid looking at him.
"We can shower together, I mean my shower is big enough to fit us both and it's not like we have not seen each other naked." My eyes snapped to look at him, startled he had said that, I waited for a second in hopes he would burst out laughing and say it was joke but he just stared at me.

"I-Im not sure that's a good idea." I stated whilst stuttering, he arched his eyebrows whilst approaching me. I gulped my spit as his naked up body was just inches away from me.
"Are you scared?" He asked, a smirk on his lips with his eyebrows arched. He looked at me with a daring look, I can do it. It's just a shower.

"I am not, in fact I am going in the shower right now." I said walking away, when I was inside the en-suite bathroom, he had been right the shower was huge enough to have at least three people inside. I removed my clothes and walked inside facing my back to him as I switched on the water.

I stiffened feeling his presence behind me.

This was a bad idea.

"I heard your going on a date." I bit my lower lips as he whispered into my ears, I felt him press against my back making me shiver.
"E-Erm, I-I mean yes." I stuttered, mentally cursing myself.

"When?" He asked, I felt his hands on my waist stroking it smoothingly. It never once crossed my mind how he had to know about my date but I shoved that thought away when I felt his breath on my neck.
"Tomorrow." I whispered back, I feel his hands grip my waist and pull me back until I was pressed against him. I could feel his dick pressing on my back instantly making my nipples harden.

"Does he make you, shiver when he touches you?" He asked, moving his hands to my stomach making me shiver. I bit my lower lips letting out a low breath.
"Maybe he does." I lied, I had never seen William in anyway heck I had not even thought a month ago I would be going on a date with him.

"Does he make you moan when he sucks your neck?" He asked as his lips brushed against my neck, making me let out a low moan. I feel his tongue on my neck before he began to gently suck on it.
"M-Maybe he does." I lied again, his fingers pushed against my nipples making me let a moan a little louder than the previous one.

"Your lying góissa." He whispered before he turned me around and slammed my back against the shower glass, his lips instantly attacked me making me let out a moan in pleasure. His lips left mine and began to suck on my neck, before he began to trail down and grab one of his nipples in between his teeth and give it a gentle bite before sucking on it.

My back had arched in pleasure.

'When our parents suggested me marrying Callista I was over the moon, I thought it was destiny giving me what I had always wished for I have loved her for five years.'his words echoed into my ears making my eyes snap open, what was I doing? This was wrong. I pushed him away, his eyes narrowed in confusion and I opened the shower door but paused.

"This was a mistake."

My Wi-Fi (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now