My Wifi- 5

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"In the end even stars choose destruction over life"


Fuck. I wanted to scream so loudly, I knew I had hurt her. I had not realised I was speaking my thoughts out loud, I should have never gone back after drinking at the bar. But her words kept ringing in my ears, I kept seeing how amazingly ravishing she looked in the red dress.

I could never love her, I knew that for a fact. But I knew she liked me, hacking in to her laptop which I first tried to get her Wi-Fi password I was able to see everything in her picture collection.

Her little obsession had been funny, I knew there were many girls who liked me. Kissed the ground I walked on, but Crystal she had always been distant and cold towards me.

The marriage itself was a mistake, something which should have never happened. But I was given no choice, father would have never even considered giving me the empire if I did not marry Crystal...heck she wasn't even who I wanted to marry.

Crystal is an beautiful, stunning women and you don't even need to know her to see that. She was a walking goddess and just the reminder of how her body molded into mine so perfectly made me groan out loud, her moans are all I can hear as I slammed my palms on the steering wheel.

Fuck. I had fucked up badly, I wanted her again and there was no deny.

If she didn't hate me before then she definitely did now, I had not meant to hurt her. Heck, I should have known she was a virgin I groaned remembering how tight she felt around me she was like a glove case wrapped around me. So perfectly.

My phone buzzed snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked down realising it is my lawyer, I answered it before placing the phone near my ears.

"Yes." I spoke, my voice was cold which showed no emotions, this was how I was around everyone. I did not prefer to show emotions, this world was too dangerous for emotions.
"The house is ready, you can come down anytime to sign the documents." I sighed leaning my head against my seat, I had waited for the house to get built and ready. And now it was finally ready.

"I am driving towards you right now." I said before hanging up, reversing the car from her car park, I had been sitting her for the pass hour parked up realising how much I have fucked up.
Changing the gear, I began to drive towards the law firm, as I came to a stop once I parked my car and switched off my engine. I got out automatically feeling the cold air attacking me, I was still dressed in my tuxedo.

As I walked into the law firm, I was greeted by the receptionist who gave me a smile and informed me the room. I made my way into the elevator pressing the fifteenth button as I waited leaning against the elevator wall.

When the elevator opened to floor fifteen, I exited and made it down the hallways until I saw the label 'Calvin Jackson' written. I knocked on the door, after hearing him call me inside I pulled the door open and entered.

"Thank you for getting everything ready, Calvin." I said shaking his hands before sitting opposite him, he pulled open a drawer before placing a folder in front of me.
"No worries, it's your dream house. I just did my part. You can read this and sign it." I nodded my head reading each page clearly before signing it and handing it back to him.

"Pleasure to do business with you." I said standing up and shaking his hand, he handed me the keys to my house.
"The pleasure is all mine, it was amazing to work with Ace Reid." I nodded my head before exiting his office, I made my way down and bid my good byes to the receptionist before walking out of the law firm only to be surrounded by paparazzi's.

I ignored them as they continued to bombard me with questions and picture.

"When will you take over the Reid empire?" One reporter questioned, the security arrived pushing the reporters away as I made my way to my car.
As I opened the door to my car I froze hearing what one of the reporters said.

"Is the rumours true that you were once in love." I looked towards the reporter who stared at me, I ignored him before getting inside and closing the door and locking it.
Love. That was a word that had made my life a joke, married to someone I was not in love with was another joke of my life.

I looked down as my phone buzzed, I realised it was my friend Cole. I answered it and placed it on loud speaker before beginning to drive away from the yelling paparazzi's.

"There's a party tonight, do you wanna come?" He questioned, I wanted to deny as tomorrow was Monday and it was back to college. But after everything that has happened I need to divert my attention.
"Yeah sure, text me the time and location." I said into the phone as I stopped at a traffic light.

"Already on it, I'll see you soon." Once the phone hung up I heard a bing knowing it was cole I ignored it knowing it was what I had asked him to send, following my gps I arrived at the house I had just bought, it was a mansion but beautiful.

This was the dream house I had wanted to build for the past year, it was finally done and built. I watched from outside, I shook my head not wanting to go inside without her, reversing out of the car I decided to go to my parents house and get ready for the party.

My Wi-Fi (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum