My Wifi- 8

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"It's like chess, you know. The Queen saves the King"

I feel like this book only needs 20-30 chapters but I will see as I keep writing.


Ever felt like you were stuck somewhere and you could not wait to just escape, run as fast as you could and not look back. That's how I was feeling at the moment, it was a sunny afternoon on a Friday we had already been dismissed from college and I was currently sitting and eat food at a posh diner with my parents.

"I must say sweetie, college has really worn you u out." My mother said staring at me with concern, I mentally rolled my eyes. I had a full day of college and probably looked a bit tired and my hair must be a little messy from physical education but overall I was fine.

"I am fine, mother. How was the charity function you and father attended yesterday?" I asked trying to divert the conversation which I had successfully done by the smile which crept on her face.

"It went amazing, your father donated a hefty sum of money and he also brought me a diamond necklace." She said excitedly, I smiled towards father who looked at my mother with so much love. I had always wished to find someone to look at me the way my parents looked at each other, so many years had gone by and they were still very much in love.

"That's amazing, I actually got the reports from the hospital a few days ago." This seemed to have captured the attention of my parents, the smile on my parents face slowly vanished as if remembering the tragic day.
"What did it say?" Father question, I nodded my head and placed the folk down on the plate.

"There is not much difference, but the doctors have noticed some movements there might be a possibility of good news." I smiled this made my parents extremely happy as my father wrapped his arms around my mother and gave her a gentle squeeze.

"That is amazing, I feared the reports would be the same as the past few." I nodded my head at my mothers words, we have been waiting for an improvement or even good news for a while so receiving this report was the small encouragement we needed.

My eyes darted towards my phone as it buzzed, I looked towards the message seeing it was from Ace. We had kept to our word of starting a friendship, and had began to get to know each other and even had a few more movie nights.

'What are you doing? Góissa' I wanted to roll my eyes at his nickname, that was one thing of many that seemed to not have changed with our new blossoming friendship. I would life I said being around him did not make my heart jump a beat, or my stomach fluttering from the butterflies.

'Just with my parents.' I replied back, before settling my phone on the table and grabbing another spoon of the fine Italian pasta I was eating.
Almost instantly my phone buzzed once again, making me look at my parents who were engrossed in there own conversation.

'Do you have plans for tonight, maybe we can do another movie night with your homemade nachos' i rolled my eyes knowing this was his way of getting free food for me, Ace did not bother lying about how much he loved my food and that it reminded him of the food his grandma would cook for him back home.

'Sorry, I'm going to William Jenkins party with Cathy tonight. Maybe another time.'

"Crystal you know the rules no phones whilst eating." I placed my phone away after sending him my message and shoved my phone back in my back giving my mother a quick apology and looking away from the stern look she gave me.

"Ace was just asking my whereabouts." I said before taking a sip of the lemonade.
"I am really glad to know you and Ace have become close, I would not lie I was a bit worried as this was not what you or Ace wanted." I nodded my head at my father, he gave me a small and gentle smile.

"Ohh Jacob, you worry too much. I always knew this marriage would work out, Ace is a good boy, comes from a well mannered family and let's not forget the little posters Crystal use to have of Ace." My cheeks warmed up in embarrassment as my mother spoke about the small general I had where I had sneakily taken picture of Ace when I was young and stuck it in there with big red hearts.

"Mother can you stop, your embarrassing me." I said making my parents let out a laugh, if I wasn't already feeling flustered I sure as hell was now.


Entering the basement of William Jenkins, I was instantly welcomed by the loud music and the red cups which laid on the ground whilst some danced, grinding themselves on each other and some stood in the side chatting to there friends.

"I think I need a drink." I said to Cathy who nodded her head, she had dressed herself in a black off shoulder crop top with a shiny black high waisted jeans and her Jordans. I on the other had was wearing a black and red bra top, with some black ripped shorts, and my favourite black heel boots.

"I agree I need a drink." She replied as we made our way, pushing through the crowded room and into the kitchen where the alcohol sat on the counter. I had lost count on how many cups I had drank, but I was feeling free and happy. I felt my shoulders relax and I was ready to have fun.

"Let's go to the dance floor." I said dragging her into the crowded room until we made it to the dance floor, instantly beginning to sway my hips whilst dancing. In the midst of dancing I had not realised me and Cathy had separated and were now grinding on a guy whilst dancing.

"Nice to see you here, Crystal." I turned my head to look at William who I realised just now that it was him I was dancing with, turning around I wrapped my arms around his neck as I continued to dance.
"Same here, amazing party you have thrown." I yelled over the music whilst he smiled and nodded his head, his hands were on my waist keeping me close to him.

"Can I have your number?" He asked, at first I was going to deny, this was just a dance and I had not forgotten about Ace. But then I remembered that Ace wanted a friendship only maybe I can too date and have fun.
"Sure." I said as we exchanged numbers before continuing to dance.

"Can I cut in?"I turned a little surprised to seeing Ace standing in front of me and Williams, I sent him a smile as Williams hand left my waist.
"Sure thing, see you later Crystal." He said before walking away, Ace took Williams place as I wrapped my arms around him and began to dance.

"You sure can dance." Ace whispered into my ears, I gave him a smirk before pressing myself on him and grinding my front front of him.
"I can do alot more as well." I replied back giving him a playful flirt.
"I'm sure you can." He said, his words held another meaning and instantly I remembered  what happened a few days ago at my condo, was he talking about that?

Blame it on the alcohol, but I leaned my face closer to him. I felt him lean in as well before our lips touched, I let out a low moan as our tongue fought for dominance. Before we pulled away breathing heavily as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Go on a date with me."

My Wi-Fi (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now