My Wifi- 4

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"I believe in loving with your whole soul"



I had not realised how many glasses I had drank, but I knew for sure I was tipsy. Hearing the door knock, I narrowed my eyes wondering who it could be at this time, standing up and kicking the heels off my feet I made my way towards the door.

Twisting it open i my narrowed eyebrows further creased as I saw Ace standing there.

"What are you-" My words were cut off as I felt his lips on me, I could taste the alcohol as our tongue fought for dominance. I did not know if it was me being drunk or him, but I felt him push me further inside the house and kicking the door shut.

I moaned into his mouth as my fingers found it's way into his hair making him groan, feeling him lift me I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist not once disconnecting our lips as I felt him continue to walk probably to my bedroom.

I felt him lay me down on the bed, and his lips left mine before beginning to sucking and kiss on my neck making me let out another moan, I fisted hair pushing his head further into my neck whilst his fingers struggled to unzip me.

Feeling the dress come undone, I let it fall off allowing his hands to cup my breast and pinch my nipples. I moaned feeling the slight roughness. I began to suck on his neck whilst he groaned in pleasure his hands continued to squeeze and pull on my breast.

he started to move down her body, kissing her thighs and calves Immediately, a low, guttural sound escaped from my mouth.

He began to kissing the inside of her thighs, whilst removing the dress completely leaving me naked like the day I was born. I couldn't take it anymore and pushed his mouth towards her panties. He moved the panties to the side and stared at my  pussy. I arched myself back as I felt his breath fan on my already wet private part.

He licked across the entire length of my pussy and I let out an audible moan. He then turned his attention to my swollen bud and nibbled on it. I gasp brefore let out a shriek.

"Fuck! Don't stop baby...oh, I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING!"

My entire body began to shake as the orgasm overtook me feeling like my body was on fire.

He then pushed my panties down my legs and tore off his clothes. I  spread my legs wanting him inside of me already.

"I want you." I whispered, I felt him come up and kiss my lips, I moaned tasting myself in his mouth.
He grabbed his trousers and pulled out a condom, if I was in my correct mind I would have questioned him why he carried a condom with him but at this moment I just needed him.

I felt him come towards me, his lips was back on mine as I felt his shaft rub against me making me let out a moan.
I began to grind my hips against him, making us both moan, I felt him push inside of me I bit my lower lips feeling the pain as he tore through me.

"Fuck, so tight." He whispered, as we both froze for a moment before I felt him beginning to move inside of me, I gasped feeling an intense pleasure build inside of me.
"Ohh Ace." I moaned, digging my nails into his back and biting into his shoulder as he began to move faster inside of me, I felt as if he was going to split me in half and with the pleasure I was feeling I would let him.


My whole body ached, As I groaned awake, forcing my eyes open feeling an intense hang over, I decided to move when I felt a hand on my waist. I froze remembering yesterday night, how ace had come and...

Ohh shit.

I turned to face him, seeing him naked his head buried into the pillow as he let out a low snore. My eyes continued to stare mesmerised by how peaceful and calm he looked, so relaxed.

Hearing a buzz my attention snapped towards my night stand, I turned and groaned at how sore I was. I had given him my virginity, I should be freaking out and screaming but I was not. Sure this was not how I had imagined losing it, but I knew I had always wanted it to be him.

My eyes looked towards the clock which read it was one o clock in the afternoon, I was glad it was Sunday which gave me a chance to get over this hangover. The phone buzzed again, and I realised it was his phone. Deciding to leave I pushed his hands off me as I struggled to stand up.

I heard him let out a groan before fluttering his eyes open, he looked at me and groaned. He seemed shocked as his eyes widened taken in my naked body, my hands flew covering my breast as I struggled to put on my underwear.

"Shit, shit, shit." He began to mutter as he sat up with his face in his hands, I frowned looking at him as I continued to put on my bra before grabbing the night shirt which I had laid on the single coach near my bed which I was initially meant to wear when I got back.

"Fuck, this was a mistake." He said, I felt my heart drop hearing him say that. Feeling anger take over I grabbed his trousers and threw it at him making him groan.

"What the- what are you doing? Are you crazy my wallet is inside I could have got hurt." He yelled, standing up in complete nude as he grabbed his boxers and put it on.

"I get it, you don't like me. You never wanted to marry me, but how rude can you be. You took my virginity, and then say it's a mistake." I yelled on top of my voice, he seemed shock before realising what he had said.

"I did- I didn't know you were a virgin. What about I mean you said you had sex with Tom." He began to stutter as he looked confused.
"Well done smart guy, I lied. I am not a whore like you, I don't go fucking anything." I yelled, he raised his hands in surrender. I felt tears threatening to escape but I got my lower lips to prevent myself from crying.

"You know what, your right. This was a mistake. I need you too grab your stuff and leave." I said throwing him his shoes, his shirt and blazer whilst he dodged his shoes the shirt went flying and hit his face.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." I ignored him and made my way out of the bedroom and into the living room, I began to pick up the glass and alcohol and turned around only to see he had followed me.

"We both were drunk, I can barely remember anything." I lied, I remembered everything. The way he had kissed me, made me feel as if I had rescued cloud nine everything.

"We both know that's a lie." He said, I once again ignored him placing the alcohol and the glass in the kitchen counter only for him to grab my arms and pull me to him so I was looking directly into his eyes.

"Get out." I said sternly, I was minutes away from crying and I did not want to shed a tear in front of him. I felt him release my arms before sighing and walking away, I heard the door open and close and that's all it took for me to drop to my knees and begin sobbing.

My Wi-Fi (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now