My Wifi- 11

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"In my end is my beginning"

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Apology for any grammar or punctuation mistake you can comment on it and I will fix it.

After spending a little over an hour with Callista we all decided to let her rest. The nurse had arrived and injected some sleeping medicine into her, she stated it will allow her body to heal and be calm. We nodded our head as we left and now we all stood outside the hospital silently, everyone shocked from the sudden news of her being awake.

"Maisie, Jacob I assure you we will provide the best physiotherapist in this country for Callista." Betsy said approaching my mother and giving her a gentle hug, my mother gladly accepted her hug as soft and silent tears escaped into her best friends shoulder.

"Betsy is correct, I will email the best we know of and travel them down here as soon as possible." It was Charles who had spoken now, he approached my father and gave him a pat on the shoulder to lighten his mood.

"Thank you, Jacob. I don't know how we would have done this without you." My father said, from the corner of my eyes I looked towards Ace who was busy typing on his phone,
"You do not have to thank us, Jacob. Just like Crystal, Callista is also like a daughter. Ace it's pretty dark now, you should take Crystal home." Betsy said, I felt my body stiffen as I heard her. I did not want to be in the same car as him after what had happened earlier on, heck I did not want to talk to him at the moment at all.

"No it's fine, really Betsy. I was planning to stay over with my parents tonight." I said which was the first thought which came into my head, I mentally apologised for using my parents as an excuse to escape Ace but there was no other choice.

"Mother is right, let's go home."I wanted to scoff as he called my condo home, the home which he never accepted, the home he gave me and disappeared and the home where he vowed to never give me the position as a wife.
"I said no, I mean I would prefer to be with my parents for tonight." I said, the first three words came out sternly but I quickly changed my tone when I received narrowed looks from both our parents.

"Sweetie, go home with Ace, there is no better comfort then being in the arms of your husband." I wanted to correct my mother, what husband? The man who claimed our marriage was a mistake, who never gave our relationship a chance to blossom and shattered my heart before I could even express it.

"We understand Crystal, you would like to be there for your parents. But Jacob and Maisie have each other, I believe Ace and you need each other." I wanted to disagree with Betsy but I could not this would bring up so many questions too which I had no answer to at the moment.

"Let's go." He said, placing his hands on my waist, waving my parents and his goodbye we walked away when I knew we were at a safe distance and out of there eye I moved away letting his hands drop.


It had began to thunder and heavy hail stones had began to shower on to the car, I mentally cursed wearing such a short dress and having no jacket. There was no denying I was going to be drenched by the time I reach my condo.

"You can wear my blazer." He spoke, I did not bother to even look at him as I pushed open the car door and stepped out. Instantly cursing, as the hail stones attacked my body which actually hurt. Ever so slowly I ran towards the main reception, I could feel him not so far behind me.

"Crystal, are you listening?" He asked as he called out my name, it felt weird hearing my name coming from his lips it was always góissa but he had said my name more than once today.

Pressing the elevator button, I patiently waited for it too open and when it did I hurried inside and Ace followed behind.

"Look Crystal." Again I ignored him, exiting the elevator once it reached my level. I made my way to my condo, pulling out my keys I unlocked the door and walked inside.
"You can leave." I said not bothering to turn around, I sat on the sofa removing my heels and the rubber band around my hair and letting it fall messily.

"I will not leave until we have spoken, góissa. Talk to me," his voice was gentle and calm unlike earlier, just thinking about it made me shiver.
"I thought you wanted me to shut up." I spat back angrily, I was in no mood to talk to him. Walking pass him in hopes to enter my bedroom and remove my wet dress which was sticking to my body and I could feel my nipples press against it from the cold.

But instead, he grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me until I was against him. I was sure he could feel my hardened nipple on his chest.

"Leave me Ace, you have said enough. I remove myself from your life, I don't need your fake friendship or fake hopes of something." I yelled at him struggling to escape from his hold, it only made his grip tighter and he continued to pull me closer.
"No, it's not over. You know I did not mean anything I said, I-I'm sorry." I shook my head as my tears rolled down my cheeks, I was done being the fool he lead on only to hurt.

"There is nothing to be over when there was nothing to begin with." I whispered, it was the same exact moment the lights switched off and you can hear the loud growls of the thunder outside, I jumped pressing myself onto Ace even more.

I began to pull away when I realised what I had done, only for Ace to push me back until my back was pressed against the wall.

"Are you sure about there was nothing?" He questioned, his voice low and raspy. He did not wait for my response as he slammed his lips on to me, silencing me. Frozen on my spot unable to push him away from his hold on me.

God what is he doing?

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