My Wifi- 13

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"A Queen will always turn Pain into Power"


Do you think Crystals reaction in the previous chapter was correct?


Pulling out my note book, I slammed the locker shut. Cathy had yet to arrive, I decided it was best to head for my first period and wait for her there. As I turned I narrowed my eyes see the crowd which had formed around me.

"Erm, what's going on?" I asked looking around hoping someone would say something, everyone just held a smile on there face yet said nothing.
"Crystal, I know we don't know each other for long but I have liked you for the past year. Will you be my date to prom?" William asked pulling out a board which had written in bold permanent market 'will you be my date to prom?'.

I looked around the crowd until my eyes settled on Ace who stood behind William, my eyes hardened remember yesterday conversation.
"Yes." The crowd whistled and cheered, whilst I watched Ace's jaw clench and what surprised me was the anger I saw within them.

"Crystal, Come with me." Cathy barged pass the crowd, she pulled me away from the people as she continued to drag me outside the building until we were out of anyones reach.
"What was that?" She spoke pointing towards the building, her eyes were stern and I could tell she was confused yet angry.

"Well, William asked me to prom and I said yes." I shrugged my shoulders, I saw her roll her eyes and let out a sigh, and shook her head.
"Well dah, I saw that. What I am asking is why did you say yes, I thought you liked Ace you know your husband." Now it was my time to roll my eyes, I shook my head and looked at her.

"I said yes because it is the correct thing to do, Ace does not love me heck he doesn't even like me." I pointed out and she glared whilst shaking her head.
"Of course he does, do you see how he looks at you, heck what happened to the date yesterday?" She asked, she the reminder of it made me tear up.

"Let's just say it ended before it even began." I chuckled lowly kicking the pebbles with my shoes.
"Look Crystal, I do not understand riddles be clear with me and tell me what happened?" She asked clearly frustrated, I sighed and nodded my head and looked into her eyes.

"We arrived to the date, only to receive a call which said Callista was awake," I paused letting out a sigh.
"That's great news, so why do you look so down?" She asked, I nodded my head.

"After hearing the news Something inside of Ace just switched, he began to drive like a mad man and I was trying to capture his attention when he yelled at how marrying me was a mistake, how he was meant to marry my sister." I said and unknowingly a silent tear rolled down my cheeks. I had not even realised I was crying until Cathy wiped away the fallen tears.

"Aww, Crystal he was probably stressed. You know, Callista was his bestfriend." I scoffed at that 'bestfriend' more like 'lovers'.
"That's not all, Cathy. Ace mentioned how he is in love with Callie, i can never replace her. I do not want to be an option Cathy, I loved him for five years whilst he loved her. There was never a Crystal and Ace." I cried, Cathy pulled me into a hug rubbing my back. I thought I was over the crying but I guess not. It hurt finding out the truth.

"I am sorry for how I reacted." Cathy whispered, continuing to smoothingly rub my back.
"I am going to end this, Cathy." I whispered, I watched her pull away with narrowed eyebrows.
"What are you going to do?" She asked confused, I gave her a small smile.

"You will find out soon enough." I whispered back making her nod her head, she did not push me to continue as we made our way to first period.


"Thank you for inviting us for dinner, Betsy and Charles." Mother said as we all finished eating, Betsy had invited us all for dinner after school. Again, me and Ace had to come together as we sat around the dining table.

"It's perfectly fine, this was the perfect excuse for us all to come together. I know we are all over the place since yesterday." Betsy said to which my parents nodded there head, my eyes looked up only to find Ace staring at me silently, the conversation we had yesterday reappeared in my head and I felt my heart clench.

"Actually, I have something that I need to tell everyone." I said standing up, my mother narrowed her eye brows at me whilst everyone else just stared awaiting to what I have to say.
"Yes Crystal, what is it?" Charles asked, I waited silently as the maids cleared the table before I cleared my throat and looked at Ace once again.

His eyebrows were arched in confusion to what I had to say.

"I have decided that it would be best if me and Ace had a divorce, it was the initial plan for him to marry Callista and as she has been making improvement I am sure they would look perfect together." I completed, I looked at my parents and my in laws who stared at me as if I had grown another pair of heads.

"And is that what both you and Ace have decided?" Betsy asked, disappointment was clear in her words but I had made up my decision.
"No." My eyes darted towards Ace who stood up furiously, I felt my hands clench together in anger. What is wrong with him? Is this not what he wanted to have an happily ever after with my sister who he is so much in love with.

"Clearly, it is not a mutual decision. Crystal I suppose you think again, marriage is not a game and you both seemed to be doing exceptionally well together." Mother said, I could hear the frustration in her voice. Of course, mother had to question my decision.
"Mother I have thought about this, and it is my final decision. Callista and Ace are in love with each other." I stated making everyone around the table let out a gasp.

"Is that true Ace?" Charles asked sternly, his eyes darted towards Ace who's eyes were on me staring at me as if he could see through my soul.

"I do not see why I have to answer anyone, me and Crystal will be leaving now." Before I could disagree Ace had grabbed my hand and began to drag me away, hearing our parents call out to him but he seems to have turned deaf as we approached his car he pushed me inside his car before walking around and settling himself into the drivers seat.

I clenched onto the seat as he reversed back and began to speed out of the mansion.

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