Beach Side Cottage

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"Uh- Hisoka?" Kinta's voice called to him from the otherside of the boutique.

He turned, but couldn't quite see her over the many rows of clothing, so he began to walk towards the source of her voice. "Yes Kitt~ ah~"

The words seemed to dry up in his mouth, his eyes widening as he rounded the corner, even his stride and his breath hitched. Stumbling over himself slightly like a clutz.

Kinta stood at the end of the small hallway leading towards the dressing rooms, she was in a small black and gold, high waisted, string bikini. It had extra black straps adorned with gold stitching. The straps formed a harness over her chest, wrapped around in an X under her breasts and the bottoms even had straps that hugged and criss-crossed her thighs. She'd braided her shoulder length, golden red hair and wrapped it into a tight bun. Leaving a few jaw-length strands of hair to frame her face. It even looked like she'd put on a little mascara and red lipstick. All topped off with a pair of strappy black sandals that almost matched his.

A faint blush spread across Kinta's cheeks as she watched him approach, holding both her hands behind her back and rocking forwards on her toes. "What do you think? Is it- too much? Do you think it's too revealing?"

Hisoka cocked his head slightly, since when was Kinta worried about modesty? "You're asking me~? The notoriously eccentric magician if you're~" He paused, slowly dragging his gaze over her body before reluctantly making eye contact with her again. "Stunning, little bikini, is too much~?" He chuckled softly. "You look beautiful, Kinta~"

Her blush deepened, biting her lower lip as a soft smile played across her lips. "Well, I can't get this last tie right. Can you help me?" She slowly turned to show him the two strings she was holding behind her back, keeping the bikini tight against her body.

"With pleasure~" Hisoka purred, stepping in behind her and taking the strings from her hands.   

He slowly tightened the straps around her waist, wrapping the fabric around his fingers before tugging on them. Causing Kinta to stumble back a step so her back was against his chest, he bent so his lips brushed the shell of her ear as he spoke.

"This suit stays on tonight~" He murmured against her ear, as he tied a small bow behind her back. "Okay~?"

A soft giggle escaped her lips as Kinta rocked her head back, almost resting the back of her head on his shoulder as she raised her hand and let her fingers glide along the underside of his jaw. "I'll leave the suit on-'' She purred, sliding her fingers towards his ear and gently pinching his earlobe between her fingers, pulling his head closer to her. "But you'll have to catch me first." She whispered.

Hisoka had to stifle a groan as a shiver ran down his spine. Kinta smiled as she stepped away from him, doing a little twirl as she admired herself in the three way mirror.

Kinta paused next to the mirror, staring at the back for a long moment before turning back to Hisoka. Her eyes drifted over his white button down before she spoke. "Hey, wanna help me pick out a cover-up?"

The magician blinked. "Why would you want a cover up~? I told you, you look beautiful~"

"I know but-" Kinta paused, biting her lower lip again as she glanced back at the mirror. "It might get cold?"

Hisoka almost laughed. "Kinta, it's pushing one hundred degrees today. That's the whole reason we decided to get swimsuits and be at the beach today, it's too hot to do anything else~ the coldest it'll get tonight is maybe ninety~"

"Well, you've got a cover up! Maybe I want something to help protect me from the sun. My skin is super pale, I don't wanna get sunburnt." Kinta shrugged.

"We can buy some sunblock~" He started but she interrupted him.

"I don't wanna smell like sunscreen! Come on baby, help me pick something out!" She motioned towards the racks full of swimsuit cover ups before walking towards them.

Hisoka let out a soft sigh, rolling his eyes as he reluctantly followed her.  Why would she want to cover up such a dazzling outfit? He was a little upset at the thought of her covering up and not being able to admire her body on the beach.

He began lazily fingering through the rows of clothing, giving each piece a disapproving frown before sliding the hanger over.

"What about this?" Kinta held up a t-shirt cut swimsuit coverup. It was mostly black with some pink flowers and green palm leaves.

"Do you want to look like you're retiring here~? Maybe trying to relive some glory days from your youth~?" Hisoka pursed his lips, shaking his head before going back to sorting through the clothes. "Cause that's what you'd look like~"

"Pftt-" Kinta laughed as she hung the ugly thing back up. "Jeeze, tell me how you really feel."

"This~" Hisoka smiled as he unhooked one of the hangers and held the fabric up for her to see. "If you insist on wearing a cover up, this is perfect~"

She gave the magician a confused look as she reached out and touched the sheer fabric. "White?" She questioned, wrinkling her nose slightly.

"Try it on~" Hisoka smiled as he pushed the coverup into her hands. "Trust me~"

Kinta pursed her lips for a minute, examining the fabric in her hands. "Fine." She shrugged, taking the item from him.

She began to unhook it from the hanger as she strode towards the three way mirror, Hisoka took the moment to appreciate her thick, muscular ass in her little bikini. The high-waisted design really accentuated her hips, slowly swaying side to side as she stepped towards the mirror. Kinta rolled forwards up to her toes to put the hanger on the edge of the mirror, flexing her calves and thigh muscles as she did. Hisoka just couldn't pull his eyes off her beautiful behind.

"Hisokaaa-" Kinta purred in a sing-song voice. The magician met her emerald eyes in the mirror, a soft smirk playing on the corner of her lips. "Eye's up here, magic man."

"Hmm~" Hisoka hummed, smiling as he crossed his arms over his chest and rested his hip against the wall.

He watched Kinta pull the sheer, white fabric over her head. She cocked an eyebrow in the mirror, doing a little twirl to examine the back before standing straight again. "You know, this is actually really cute."

"You doubt my fashion expertise~?" The magician chuckled, cocking his head slightly as he also admired the dress.

It was a sheer, white, dress coverup that almost reached her ankles. It had high slits running up the outer part of her thighs, ending in small white bows just above her hip bones. The top was a simple halter top in the same sheer material. Her black and gold collar stood out starkly against the white fabric, and the black swimsuit peeked through. The coverup somehow barely covered anything at all, and hid everything all at once. All while hugging her every curve. Perfect.

"Are you happy now~?" Hisoka sighed as he pushed away from the wall. "Let's get to the beach, we've already lost three hours in this shop~"

"What's the rush, Hisoka?" Kinta turned to look at him, bending at the hip to cut the tag off the bottom of the coverup with her claw. "We're on vacation, isn't part of the appeal doing whatever you want whenever you want?"

"We always do that kitten~" Hisoka smiled. "I guess I'm just excited, it's been a while since I've enjoyed the beach."

He slipped a hand into his pocket as he and Kinta walked towards the register. His fingers lightly stroked the velvet box in his pocket, his stomach twisting with nervous energy as he paid for their new clothes.

Magicians Pet (🔞Hisoka Smut🔞)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ