Profiler, Profiled: Part One

Start from the beginning

"Physics magic?" Hotch asks.

"Yes, sir."

"Reid, we talked about this."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"You're really starting to get some distance on those," Hotch breaks out a smile.

Spencer smiles in relief as Hotch heads to his office.

"So, he does have a sense of humor," JJ smirks and rejoins the group.


"Hey, where's Morgan?" Emily wonders.

"In Chicago. He goes there every year for his mother's birthday."

You take a seat at your desk and stare at your dark computer. There is something bugging you, and now that you don't have physics magic to distract you, you're caught up in the motion with that little girl. Why is this bothering you this much? What is it about her that is sticking with you? Instead of working on your files and sorting them, you take out your notebook and doodle a quick sketch of the young teenager. You remember everything about her from the way her eyes looked to what she was wearing.

Someone has to know something about her, and it's driving you insane that no one does. As soon as the eyes are done, you stare at them as if they would tell you a story of who she is. You feel connected to her in a way you can't explain. If you could only talk to her, then maybe you can figure this out.

Whenever you see her next, you're going to confront her about whatever this is.

You look up to see Spencer at his desk working on some unfinished files. Does he truly not realize just how attractive he is? Even in his sweater vest and tie, you just want to jump onto his desk and rip them off him in front of everyone. You've only had sex a few times, but you don't know if he likes having it with you. If he did, surely you two would do it more often, right?

It shouldn't even bother you that much, but contrary to popular opinion, sex is important in a relationship. It might not be number one, but it's on the list. Now is as good as any time to ask him since you don't have an active case to be on since the other BAU team is on call right now. This is more of a file day, so you're going to take advantage of that as much as you can.



When he looks up, he looks so innocent and pure, it makes your heart swell in happiness that he's all yours.

"Can I talk to you for a quick second?"

"Of course."

You and Spencer get up, and you lead him to an empty office where there are blinds and a door to shield you from prying ears and eyes. You hop up onto the desk and dangle your legs off the edge of it so that you can swing them back and forth without touching the ground. Spencer closes the door but doesn't lock it.

"What's going on?"

"What are your thoughts about me... and sex?" you blurt.

Better to be direct than beat around the bush.

"What?" he chuckles.

"Well, I mean, most couples have sex one to three months into the relationship. We're about one and a half years in, almost two. We've only done it a few times. I'm not trying to rush you or anything like that, but do you not want me?"

"Of course, I want you."

"Is there something else then? Am I not good at it?"

"The problem isn't with you. I promise. You're doing everything right."

"Then, what's going on? You can talk to me."

"I graduated high school at twelve, got my masters at sixteen, and then my doctorate the following year. Everyone saw me as a kid, and they bullied me more times than I can count. I was always the skinny kid that no one ever wanted. Not like they could if they wanted to because I was so underaged compared to everyone else.

"No one has ever wanted me in the way you have. No one has ever wanted to get to know me in the way that you have. Sometimes I forget that. You can be intimidating sometimes, if I'm honest. Not in a bad way, but in a way that makes me blush and forget my own name. I want to be with you more times, but it's hard for me to take that step sometimes."

"If you need me to, I'll always make the first move," you grin. "Do you even realize how attractive I think you are? It takes everything in me most days to keep myself from ripping that sweater vest off you in front of everyone. I want you every second of every day. To me, you're the sexiest person alive."

Spencer's cheeks burn bright with heat, darkening to a few shades of pink. It's really cute to see him get all clammed up like that because of something you did or said to him. He's having trouble figuring out what to say to you, but you don't give him time. You hop off the desk and approach him, pressing your body against his.

"When you say things like that..."

"Say things like what? That I wish to rip those clothes off you? Take you right here at work where anyone can just walk in?"

"You're going to be the death of me," he breathes heavily.

"And don't you forget it," you grin. You lean up and peck his lips. You open the door so you two can get back to your day when you turn to him. "So, what you're telling me, is we can have sex every night if you want."

"If that's what you want," he chuckles.

"Good to know."

"We're going to Chicago," Hotch says urgently. "Wheels up in ten."

Wow, you've never had so little time to get ready. Something must have happened.

"What's going on?" you ask.

"Derek's been arrested."

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