68: Loss of a gem

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Queens of Swarnaprastha started chanting mantras , closing their eyes for the safe return for the families...
On the other side,
It's already dusk and only a few more minutes was left to get over today's war....
Nakul and sahadev was trying hard to defeat the soldiers of kamboja and just then prathivindhya came with sword in his hands....

" Tat shree.." they heard a sound from behind..Nakul turned back to see prathivindhya standing behind them with sword in his hands and fire in his eyes....

" Putr prathivindhya...you aren't supposed to come here...cover our boundaries..that's enough.." sahadev said to him while handling those soldiers...

Suddenly a soldier came from behind and tried to stab Nakul,but prathivindhya jumped and pushed him aside and stabbed his sword deep into his chest....

" Pithasree had already given us order tatshree..it's ok..I'll help you.."  by saying so , prathivindhya started to fight with his full might and he just revolved like wind In the battlefield...
He really helped Nakul and sahadev in defeating those...

Again he went more into the battlefield to fight with a mob of soldiers...now he was fighting all alone..Nakul and sahadev was first hesitate to leave him alone but he convinced them that he'll manage...

Prathivindhya was utterly concentrated in fighting...he didn't bothered about anything and just fought where as his brothers were showing their best in battlefield and the soldiers of opponent army became already reluctant to approach them even though they all are children....

Uluka and visha was constantly eyeing each and everyone of them in the Swarnaprastha family and was looking for a good opportunity to kill them ....just then , uluka's filthy eyes fell on fighting prathivindhya...he smirked as he got his prey in den ..while fighting prathivindhya unknowingly lost inside the Indraprastha army and now he was surrounded by their soldiers...uluka signalled visha to sent more soldiers to him and distract him...he looked around and assured that not even a single family member of prathi is near him...bow Nakul and deva is fighting far away from him....
An evil smirk formed on uluka's face....he lifted his sword and marched towards prathivindhya....

Prathivindhya tried to look back when a sharp pain shot up from his back, running through his nerves , reaching his brain...he can feel hot ,red liquid called blood was oozing out from his body..... prathivindhya gritted his teeth but not even a single tear came from his eyes...he is such a brave ....

" Who ever the coward is ,I dare him to come face to face and fight with me..." Prathivindhya shouted but uluka just deepened his sword into his muscular body from back.... this time prathivindhya groaned in pain...his sword slipped from his hands.. 

He kicked prathivindhya from back and prathi fell on ground....uluka pulled the sword back and pointed towards prathivindhya who was now lying on the floor facing him...

" I'm the one prince prathivindhya...the prince of Gandhar... Uluka.. now come on, fight with me little prince..I'll make  sure that you will lose the last drop of energy left on your body and will go to hell so fastly " uluka spat his venomous words with a smirk...but to his surprise, prathivindhya smiled...

"you can kill me.. I'm happy for that but now  I'm feeling pity on you... you know why ? Because by hurting me ,you have invited death of yours...be ready to face the Wrath of my brothers...my father and my uncles" Prathivindhya coughed blood but still he  managed to say that with a stern voice and proud smirk dancing on his lips....

Uluka gritted his teeth ..it ofcourse made him angry..he stomped his foot on prathivindhya's warrior hands and trashed it....uluka lifted his sword up in the air and with a force , stabbed the sword directly into his chest... penetrating his ribs.....
Prathivindhya squeezed his eyes in pain and clenched his jaw...and finally a single tear escaped from his eyes... but he had a beautiful smile on his face ...a satisfactory smile that he finally won...his opponent made him won by backstabbing him....his coward rival proved him brave.......

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