8: Rescue

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In Indraprastha...
Rajkumar prithvi was all set to go to panchal..he and samrat sat on their horses and set out to panchal...
Following them , prince Dhananjay, Nakul and sahadev also got ready to go to Dwarka..
Vasundhra and Rukmini stayed back at palace and assured that they will come tomorrow morning as it's not fair , according to ritual that wife goes outside the city on the day of departure of her husband to a war...so she insisted Rukmini to accompany her tomorrow and stay there...first she refused but later accepted..

Rajkumars are on their way to dwarka..
Nakul : " the sight is so beautiful... isn't it sahadev"?

Sahdev: " yes Nakul...indeed beautiful..

Jay : "then what will you say if you see dwarka"?

Nakul : yes..mata told about dwarka and it's extraordinary beauty..we went there when we were kids ..so I don't remember much...".

Sahdev :" and also about the extraordinary beauty of the ladies too... haina Nakul?" He laughed..

Jay : uff o will you both stop..always behind girls..."

Nakul :" why bhrata don't you like girls.. there at Indraprastha ,ladies are dying to get your one glance...you know"?
Dhananjay rolled his eyes..

Jay :" beauty is not just at face dumbo...but in mind too .the beauty of a girl cannot be defined just by looking at her face .."

Sahdev: "whooaa bhrata ... philosophy.."

Dhananjay :" it's not philosophy Dumbo, it's just my pov"..

Nakul :" so tell us bhrata..about your dream girl..i mean the girl in your dream .our future bhabhi "? He chuckled

Jay ( smiling) : " she should be beautiful..not only by face but also by mind...she should have fire in her eyes...at the same time she should have an ocean of kind at heart...
Her hands should be like as soft as a flower..but at the same time..she should have the capability to hold weapons...her beauty should have the capability to take away the breath of whole nature...but what attracts more should be her character....my girl must be a warrior Nakul ..at the same time kind..she must be brave but peaceful .she must be strong but lovely..." Dhananjay completed smilingly..

Nakul and sahadev stopped their horses and stared at him in astonishment..
Nakul murmured..." Impossible"..

Sahadev : " i neither know nor heard about such a princess in the whole aryavarth..bhrata, either change your taste... or you choose asceticism..that's the only possible way"

Nakul :" exactly"

Jay : " no Sahdev..i will find her soon...my mind says that..."

Nakul : " what's this bhrata..so confusing...my god!!.."

Sahdev : " i think someone is there at dwarka like this...i have heard something like that from mata about bhrata krishn's sister... I don't know her name but bhrata krishna calls her SAKHI"

Jay : " is it? "

Sahdev : " ha.. once she said that her eyes look like fire and something like that..."

Jay : ( giggling) " for mata, all girls in aryavarth have fire in their eyes"..

Nakul : " but dwarka has only one princess right? "

Sahdev : " actually there is only 1 but there is 2.. the actual one is Rajkumari subhadra and elder one is jaanki maiyya's daughter..

Destiny : Dhananjay ki DraupadiWhere stories live. Discover now