67: Dharmakshetra kurukshetra

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A/N :This chapter is partially dedicated to Arjun-Shruthakirti fans/admirers...

It's finally the day for war..... everyone assembled  and prayed mata kali for their victory and now this time,their elder brother karna was also there with them.dhara wholeheartedly blessed them ....

Everyone took blessings of mata kali once again before departing to battlefield...
Krishnaa ,devika ,bhadra and Malini put thilak on their husbands and sons.... they prayed inside for their victory and safe return.....
Soon they departed along with krishna..krishna passed an assuring smile and went away along with them...it's decided that krishna won't directly participate in war as balram ordered him to stay away from war as he promised dhuryodhan....
At the time of their exile, dhuryodhan became the disciple of balram for mace practice and thus he can deny his disciple's request....
But Swarnaprastha family badly wanted krishna  to be present there..so he promised to be with them...not as a warrior but as charioteer..that too Dhananjay's...

" So who will be our commander general?" Dhara asked and the brothers looked at each other and smiled....

" Drishtadyumn will be our commander general....he will lead us..." Prithvi replied and dhristadyumn's eyes beamed with joy and ranprathap's eyes filled with proud... dhristadyumn suggested to them that they should move as the Indraprastha at will be already there at battlefield...

Krishnaa stood there looking at the retreating figure her husband and he sons.  Her eyes Filled with tears.... suddenly she felt a cold hand on her shoulders...she looked back and saw her father ranprathap standing there , looking at her ....
Her eyes filled with tears...she remembered that day when she got to know about her real identity...
After that incident,she never got a chance to speak to them as they went for exile... even that day,she refused to talk to them just because she was not in a condition to talk to anyone....

" Pithasree" she called him for the first time and ranprathap couldn't supress his joy...his eyes filled with tears and immediately cupped her face....
She bend down to touch his feet but he immediately stopped her and blessed..
" Kalyan ho..putri"

" You know putri...how much I craved for you calling me pithasree....when I got to know about that you are our draupadi....I was literally waiting for you to come back and call me pithasree..and your mata...she is dying to see you.... please come to panchal once this war is over...not alone but with your family .." he said..

Now she couldn't control anymore...even though Dwarka family took the best care of her..how much she missed her own family...the warmth of her mother and the affection of her father.....the care of her brother and the company of her sisters....she hugged him and let out her heart cry as much as it wanted... ranprathap didn't said anything..he just caressed her hairs and consoled her....
In battlefield,
Prithvi ,karna , dhananjay,nakul and sahadev along with dhristadyumn and Krishna stood ath the.middle if the battlefield... opposite to the Indraprastha army....
Their heart ached as they saw Mahasamrat bheeshm, their own grandfather , as the commander general of Indraprastha army...they left helplessness inside them...how can they raise weapon against their own grandfather ?
They saw guru dron, aswadhdhama along with dhuryodhan, dushassan and drutsena along with Shakuni standing there, opposite to them ..but they found two not so familiar faces with them....their nature was very well written on their face itself... arrogance and cruelty....

" Devavratha putro....meet my cousins uluka and visha...princes of gandhar rajya" dhuryodhan proudly stated and the brothers looked at each other...
Sons of Shakuni....

" Pranipaat....happy that our first meeting was officially here in the battlefield.." prithviraj shot back with sarcasm in his voice... dhuryodhan gritted his teeth and uluka's fist got tightened....

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