43 : confusion

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" Tell mata..what are you waiting for..." She whispered

She looked at her in fear...

"Yes please tell..." Jaimini requested..

Jaanki was about to say something but Devaki interrupted
" Sorry maharishi ... We can't tell the exact time because she is one of the twins...she had a twin sister but died by birth...."

" Oh...then telling exact time should be difficult..no problem..tell me her birth star" he said

" It's mrugashirsha...and Phalguni maas.." Jaanki managed to say...

Jaimini started to chant some mantras..and frowned...

" But the girl who born in this month and this star didn't have a twin" he said
Jaanki gulped in fear....

Krishnaa looked at her mother and got confused...
" According to Dhananjay's horoscope...he will marry a girl born in Phalguni maas with mrugashirsha nakshatra... but..." Again jaimini got confused...

"Are you maharani ?" He asked to jaanki...

" No..I'm a maid.." Jaanki said and he again got confused...

" What happened maharishi... is everything fine...?" Dhara asked in concern

" Yes .. maharani everything is fine...they are made for each other..just like shiv- shakti... their love and respect for each other will remain eternally..."he said..

Krishnaa and Dhananjay looked at each other and smiled...

" What about their child?" Dhara again asked...

He again chanted mantras.. looked at his board abd said " the baby inside her is a strong warrior...he is a warrior from the Womb itself...the fame of his valour and might will spread the whole aryavarth and his name will remain immortal...his parents will be known in his name..he is going to born to rule......" He said as everyone's eyes got widened... krishnaa shred tears of joy whereas dhananjay smiled in proud....

" But there's a problem.." by hearing this all their colours in their face faded...

" Rajkumari krishnaa... don't let him participate in any war till he completes age of 16..." he said

" Why maharishi" she asked in fear

" Nothing to worry maharani..i was just saying.. please be careful about that..that's all..." He said and krishnaa nodded her head in confusion...

Both stood up and next was the turn of Nakul and sahadev..

Jaimini predicted that it's time for their marriage and let it happen...
Dhara smiled wholeheartedly and agreed to it and also decided to get them married after rajasuya yagna...

Even Nakul and sahadev too jumped out of joy hearing this...soon the rituals was over ...

All were busy in talking and laughing...where maharishi jaimini called dhara in personal..

" You called me Maharishi?" She asked

" Yes...i want to know something about your second daughter in law... something was not right with her horoscope..."

" What do you mean maharishi..?." She asked

" maharani...you already know the horoscope of Dhananjay's and my prophecy made when he was born..he was the blessing of lord Indra dev and no ordinary girl can marry him...yes , as mentioned in horoscope his wife is born in mrugashirsha nakshatra in Phalguni month...but.. his wife also should be blessing of any other lord ...but here she...she is daughter of a common woman...no maharani.. something was not right..i think her mother is trying to hide something....I'm sure your second daughter in law is not an ordinary girl..."
He said and left..

Destiny : Dhananjay ki DraupadiWhere stories live. Discover now