55: bid adieu to shrutkarma

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3 Years again passed by ...
Little shurtkarma is 2 years old now amd he's very active too...
If Abhimanyu is a gem then he is gold...
Gem just needs a polish to shine but gold has to go into so many process for shine...
Just like, Abhimanyu had already know about bows and arrows as he already gain knowledge  about all these when he was in his mother's womb...
He just needed practice for all that ....
And shurtkarma is always behind his father asking doubts regarding bows and arrows... sometimes about war, sometimes vyuhas...
When he completed 2 years, he started to aim and throw stones at trees to get fruits...
His aim was so perfect even though he was only two...
Dhananjay observed him and his taste for archery and started to teach him from that age ...

He was always a student who is eager to learn something new and more....
Dhananjay was very much proud and happy for his son's learning character...
He felt very much elated and happy whenever his son asked for teach him something...and he was always ready for that too....
He kept saying krishnaa that one day definitely his sons would make him proud....

On such a pleasant  day ,
" Naa..na... Not like that my boy.."
Dhananjay said to his son who was holding a wooden bow in his hands..

" Concentrate..." He added..

Mm...." a 3 year old shrutkarma nodded his head...

" Haven't finished yet?" They heard a voice and both looked back to see krishnaa standing there with a wide smile and with a earthen plate in her hands...

She looked chubby and she had a glow on her face...
And guess what? Yes she is expecting again!!!!!
She held her large baby bump and walked towards them taking slow steps..
But her son was so Caring for her that he ran towards her and took that plate from her...

" Maata..." he hugged her legs...
She took him in her arms and kissed...
Dhananjay smiled and suddenly made a pout..

" Oh...kiss ..that too  only for your baby.." he said

" Yes...why ?" She asked...

Shrutkarma kissed his mother back ...
Dhananjay came near ..
He cupped their face..one hand cupped his sons and another his wife's...
He kissed his son by fixing gaze on krishnaa...
She just smiled on his antics...

" Putr...you go and play with, satanika and suthasen..." He said to which shrutkarma happily agreed and got down from Krishnaa's arms and run ...

" What's the need to let him go now? "
Krishnaa asked knitting her eyebrows..

" Because..I just wanted to romance with my wife..." He replied...

Krishnaa looked down and her cheeks turned red..

He was just about to kiss her, suddenly..

" Jiji....devika jijji is calling you" they heard Malini's voice and moved apart....

They both entered into the hut to see devika walking restlessly here and there..
" What happened jiji" krishna asked

" Draupadi...we got a message from panchal ...bhrata drisht will come tomorrow to take shrutkarma and srutsena...." Devika said and krishnaa nodded faintly..

He eyes welled up with tears...but she controlled because she knew that one day she have to leave her son..and she have to tolerate the pain of separation...
She sighed and nodded...
They saw children playing ... giggling..
She turned towards Dhananjay and asked..

" So Govind will also come ? To take satanik..?"she asked

" Don't know" he said...
She sighed and looked outside...

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