Start from the beginning

Professor Peterson slid her body between my opened legs, pushing herself closer to me. I stumbled a bit in nervousness, making my back hit the door behind.

A gasp left my lips when she suddenly kneeled down in front of me, hands placing themselves teasingly around my thighs. 

"W-What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing?" Husky voice asked back.

"I...I don't know." I whimpered involuntarily when one hand sneakily unbuttoned my pants. I tried to buck my hips away.

"You're a virgin, aren't you?"

I nodded quickly, mouth closed shut and eyes wide in anticipation and  worry.

"So, I'll be your first?" another nod. "Hmm, good. Is it okay if I take you then?"

Pure seduction, that's what it was. Her question seems like it demands an answer that should only be a yes. I nodded pathetically, not trusting my voice by the way her hand kept on caressing my thigh way too close to my private part. 

"Words, darling. I need to hear your voice."


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Who's ma'am?"

I jolted up awake, shocked by the sudden shift in the tone of voice.

"Shit!" My hands clutched my aching temple from sitting up too fast.

Lexie giggled. "Sorry. So, who is this ma'am you're dreaming of?"

Blushing, I pushed her face away. "No one, j-sus. Stop smiling like that."

"Come on, tell me. It sounded like a really good dream."

Blushing profusely now, I tossed the comforter away from my body and stood up.

"Oh g-d, Aiden. You have a fucking boner. Hide that!" She shrieked, hands immediately covering her eyes. 

"Shit!" In panic, I threw myself back on my bed, grabbing a pillow as a cover. "Why the heck would you look down?!"

"It was there and it was huge! How could I not see it, you asshole!"

Feeling my face heat up even more with her words, I ran straight to the bathroom, pillow still covering my hard on.

"Wait, did you have a wet dream?!" She yelled after I closed the door quite hard. "Is that why you were saying 'ma'am' in your sleep?"


"It was a wet dream!"

The whole incident this morning, unfortunately, made it to afternoon when Lexie told both Julius and Zoey about my morning boner and me calling someone 'ma'am' in my dream.

"You had a what?"

"She had a what?"

"You had a wet dream?!" Zoey yelled looking at me. I blushed in embarrassment when a few heads turned around to glance our way.

"Don't be shy, I don't think they all heard you," I groaned in annoyance, hiding my reddening face with my hands.

"Sorry," she chuckled with a cough. "I'm just really shocked."

"I can see that."

Julius pretended to wipe under his eyes, giving me a 'proud' smile. "You're really growing up so fast. I can't believe it."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes when they all laughed. I then glared at big-mouth Lexie who promised not to tell Julius and Zoey about what happened earlier. She only gave me a peace sign and a smile.

"Who was it about?" Julius questioned.

"She won't tell, I kept bothering her about it." Lexie answered for me.

"Was it about Vera?" He asked excitedly this time. "I'm putting my bet on her."

"I think it's about her too." Zoey agreed. "What do you think, Lex?"

She hummed, thinking. "I don't know, I don't think Vera is the 'ma'am' type. I'm guessing it's someone older."

"Oh, good guess," Zoey agreed. "Vera's like 21 though, she's older."

"No, no, like someone older than that." When Lexie said that, Julius gave me a weird look and a raised brow. I shrugged, not saying anything and trying to be nonchalant, but my hands are secretly shaking. Lexie's guesses making me sweat and panic a little.

"How did it go?" I almost cheered at the change of question. Shooting Julius a grateful smile. He only winked.

"How did what go?" I asked back.

"Your conversation with Professor Peterson yesterday." Julius answered, now getting the attention of both Zoey and Lexie. Goodness gracious, it's still about her.

"Oh that..."

"Can we talk?"

"O-Of course."

She motioned for me to sit down and I hesitantly did, still fidgeting with my fingers. I looked down at my lap, waiting for her to say something. "I want to apologize for what happened last week."

That made me look up.

"What do you mean apologize? It was my fault, Miss. I should be the one apologizing."

"I'm the who's older and I should've known better. The physical contacts and dumping my problems on to you were unprofessional and inappropriate of me, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what you were thinking at that time, but I must've given you an idea that made you do what you almost did."

My mouth opened to say something, but I refrained. I knew she was gonna say something like this, I expected it. But doesn't mean it didn't hurt, because it did, painfully so.

"N-No, really, Miss. It was my fault, you were at your vulnerable moment and I took advantage of that." One thing that I also realized during the whole week. The fact that she was at her vulnerable state, only seeking for an innocent comfort and I took advantage of it.

"I shouldn't have done what I did and I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I promise I won't do it again."

I said without elaborating on why I did it. She also didn't question my feelings, but probably already having an idea that I may have an attraction for her. I'm just glad she didn't ask because I don't think I could answer it.

But why do I feel disappointed that she didn't ask me about my feelings?

"I still want you to babysit Aaron, he likes you a lot and it would really disappoint him if I replace you." She said with a smile after a few moments of silence between us.

"Really? Would that be okay for you?"

"Yes, Aiden. I'm sure."

"Thank you, Professor."

"It was fine, we just talked about my progress in her class." I lied almost too easily, getting better at it.

"What do you mean progress? It's not like you're slacking."

"Progress to be better."

"If you say so."

I'm in deep shit.


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