"Yeah, you're probably right." The brunette sighs. "I promised Morgan that I wouldn't let him get lost and never come home. And right now he definitely looks like a lost puppy."

"Who's Morgan?" Danny asks as he looks back at Letty from her best friend.

"Eric's five-year-old sister. She adores her brother, and I made a promise." She tells him. "I hope you don't mind."

He shakes his head. "No, you can't break a promise to a kid. I get it." He says, and she smiles as she gets up from her seat.

Letty walks over to her dopey best friend as Eric's saying goodbye and she looks at him. "She thinks I could be a model." He says with a huge smile on his face.

"Uh-huh. Let's go home now." Letty then grabs his jacket and pulls him behind her as they walk through the mall.

The two teenagers walk into the kitchen at the Matthews' house a little while later, and she sits down at the table beside her younger brother. Cory has Shawn, Minkus, and Topanga over, and they're all doing homework​ at the dining table.

Eric jumps up on the counter and lays down, resting his weight on his elbow, and all of the kids look at the older boy. "What's with him?" Shawn asks.

"A girl at the mall told him that he was​ pretty." Letty says sarcastically.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful." Eric says and then flips his hair as he leans his head back. He's suddenly on his feet again, doing some sort of odd performance. "He thought he felt her hot, mossy breath on his eye. He blinked. She was gone. The beating of wings — obsession."

Cory mimics the last movement his brother made, raising his right hand into the air and then pulling it down as he forms a fist. "Get help." The younger Matthews boy says, and Letty laughs at the brothers.

Eric clears his throat. "I was discovered today." He tells them.

"You get discovered at the mall?" Shawn asks him, and Letty smirks when her younger brother looks at her.

"How'd you know?"

"Did you pay ninety dollars to get photos taken?" Topanga asks, not bothering to look at him.

"Yeah, you can't model without a portfolio." Eric says as he leans over the island counter.

"You did what?" Letty questions.

"You were scammed." Shawn tells him.

"They get you to pay all this money—"

"And then you never hear from them."

"Completely untrue." Minkus argues. "It's not a scam."

"Yeah, listen to Minkus, guys. He's the smart one." Eric tells them.

"I, too, was discovered at the mall." The nerdy kid says, and Letty raises her eyebrows as she looks back at Eric.

"Doh!" He smacks his forehead and then falls forward, back onto the island.

Morgan and her parents walk into the kitchen then and they all look at the dope. "Eric, girls are gonna dump you all your life, so... Get over it." Morgan tells her older brother, and Letty laughs at her comment.

The tiny blonde walks away from him and goes upstairs. Cory then explains what's going on to his parents. "He got scammed at the mall."

"Scammed? How?" Their mom asks.

"Well, some girl told him that he was cute, and he forked over ninety dollars for modeling photos."

"Ninety dollars?" Mr. Matthews questions and then pulls Eric up by the collar of his jacket so that he's not slouched over anymore. "Ninety dollars?"

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