sharing the end of the world

Start from the beginning

but the moment i come along his back straightens like a board, on edge as he would be if a deviant had come inside. the only two that seem to know no fear is druig and makkari, who still grips my arm and spins me around and insists on going for swims. on going shopping, dancing in the dark and running around like a fox and a rabbit. it's fun, brilliant and exciting but i almost wish they'd face the truth.

acknowledge it, at least. it's been a rough time, most of them trying to ignore the elephant in the room and move on with our lives. but it has proven to be impossible, worries gathering whenever i am minutes late leaving my room, when i am gone just a little too long. and druig and makkari always seem to be causing the worries, druig whispering for us to sneak away and go running around looking for trouble in the woods.

dunking eachother in, fake half hearted fistfights that always end with us kissing on the forest floor, going out to collect oranges and ending up sampling them instead. we succeed in leaving the domo without too much trouble. but the trouble is outside as it always seems to be, kingo roaming around carefully like he's waiting for something, hand over his lips when he makes eye contact with us.

i think i hear deviants

i take my hand from druigs though he reaches for me again. i shake my head, tiptoeing down the ramp and to where kingo stands, hearing the slight creek in trees. too loud and harsh for a bear. i should've known it was coming along, it's been ages since a fight with the deviants. if i were a little more delusional i may believe that we have wiped them all out. we must be close by now, probably down to only one hundred left on the planet. they follow humanity and anger follows them.

and because of the formula of live both of them seem to end up close to us. the orange soaks my eyes, making me give a warning look to kingo as the ground shakes. i wonder just how long he's been out here, waiting and wondering if his suspicions were right. second guessing himself because he's never the one to make this call. i've always wondered how the deviant fights begin, often times im inside and get the rude awakening from kari or ikaris.

but now i have that experience that nobody wants, kingos hand curves as gold lines crawl across his hand.
"this'll be fun,"he says, smiling though it only has half his normal energy. i force myself to nod, to push back the thoughts that come to my mind, how i don't want to fight anymore. can eternals retire?

i feel so very terrible for phastos, he's been so caught up in other studies that he is probably dead asleep in his lab as his danger orb bings and begs for his attention. danger orb it is called for lack of better words though that is essentially what it is, an orb of light that shows the continents and smaller red dots that show the danger. with my luck it probably will not be long before i am but a red dot on the orb, flashing and blinking and blaring until someone comes along to get rid of the danger.

my back is to kingo, knowing that the deviants aren't as dumb as one may think. one will distract us in the woods as the others come in from other areas. that is smart, but the fact that they do it everytime isn't so smart, a flyer coming from above, just inches away from me when it becomes a statue of ice and death. it's frozen with its tongue out, talons curved as it had prepared to scalp me. to scalp me. that's so strange, they always attack humans. they only attack humans.

so why they have come to us i don't understand. they come rolling from the hills, the land trembling as a stampede forms, dirt lifting into the air in dry clouds of brown. this new batch though, they ignore me and their dead frozen relative, wind in my hair as they move past me. i stick my hand out, taking a chance that only an idiot would take as i am able to grip onto one. today i can play the role of the idiot, playing the role of a genius gets boring. with the weight of them and the hardness of its flesh it cannot notice, carrying me along with no idea that it is helping me to wipe out its family.

Brelione//DruigxOCWhere stories live. Discover now