'bite back'

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"I think they bought it," You slowly inhaled a sigh of relief that they had left, "We can leave now."

Following a relentless amount of questions from all of your friends, the majority left for their respected duties - the others (including of Armin, Eren and Christa) all returned to their original table to give you both some space.

"Not so fast," Reiner shook his head sternly, "We've been sat here for ten minutes, and I have a reputation to uphold."

"A reputation?"

"Yes, a reputation." The blonde carried on as you groaned beneath your breath, "And you sprinting away the second you get the chance, will not do that reputation justice." He paused for a few moments, glancing over his shoulder at the table with three of your friends, "Besides, I don't think Christa was buying it."

"What do you mean? She said she was happy for us."

He suddenly leaned closer, placing his hand on your jaw. He pulled you in, his cheek pressing against yours as he whispered into your ear: "We're being suspicious - believe me, I'm good at telling when people are lying, and her reaction was fake. We're going to have to try harder to convince them that we're in love."

"And, what do you suggest we do?"

"We could kiss. "

"No!" You snapped without thinking clearly, "I'm not kissing you. I made that clear yesterday morning!"

"Why?" The Soldier knitted his blonde eyebrows together with a subtle simper, squinting his eyes, "Are you scared you're going to fall in love with me?"

Reiner turned his cheek, realising that Christa was staring intensely in your direction. Her sky-blue orbs were locked onto you both; Reiner, noticing, outreached his hand towards you. He swallowed hard before placing his large hand on top of yours, intertwining his fingers with yours.

His hands were pretty, you noticed. You knew it was a 'strange' thing to notice about someone, but you couldn't help it: his skin was soft, and his nails were surprisingly clean and in good shape for a soldier. His fingers were long and slender; his arms were thick with muscles, and strong.

You looked up at Reiner as he did the same to you: your faces were just a couple inches from eachover. You could feel his warm breaths against your lips.

Your face grimaced, "Just touching your hand makes me sick."

Reiners eyes rolled back with a defeated groan: "If you want this plan to work out, you're eventually going to have to suck it up and hold my hand."

As soon as Christa turned back around, you both retracted your hands.

"And it's the other way around actually: I'm scared you'll fall in love with me." A prideful, sinister smile plastered on your teeth as you leaned closer - you lowered your voice, "After all, this entire plan will be easier for you than it is for me."

Reiner's body mirrored yours as he leaned closer, his woody cologne now intoxicating your senses, "And, what's that supposed to mean?"

"You told me I'm pretty." Your smirk only grew as Reiners eyes shot open, "When we talked at the fire, you told me that you find me pretty. You even told me that having me by your side, would not be a bad look. I bet you love being able to get so close to me."

"I may not like you, but I still have eyes." Reiner stated as you felt your chest tighten once more, "And I would never lie about something so obvious."

You parted your lips whilst manifesting a witty comeback, but no sound escaped from your lips. You knitted your brows together.

"What? You haven't got anything to say to me?" Reiner's deep voice purred, "Bite back."

"You infuriate me."

"Nice one."

Your brows furrowed in frustration at his usual antics: "Reiner, get rid of that smirk on your face. It's aggravating."

"I'm not smirking."

"Then stop smiling at me! It's just as annoying."

"You really do have such a way with words, Y/N. Such a charming woman."

"I'm leaving to help Levi with his paperwork." Frustrated, you stood up; "Have fun explaining to Christa how we've already gotten into our first fight just ten minutes into our relationship."

After taking three steps away from your table, you heard your pretend-boyfriend call out: "Have a good day, sweetheart." With a smug, satisfied smirk lingering on his pearly, white teeth.


Whilst making your way to Captain Levi's office, you felt a hand harshly grab your arm: you flinched, raising your hand in defence. However, your body eased as you realised it was your closest friend.

"Jean!" You exclaimed as the fawn haired ok boy stared at you in disappointment, "You scared me."

"Long time no see, Y/N."

"We were sat together about twenty minutes ago."

Jean's head shook with a sigh, using his finger and thumb to pinch his nose bridge: "Why are you doing this?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Why are you pretending to date Reiner Braun?"

Your heart immediately sank downwards into the pit of your stomach, your eyes widening with horror and shock that you had already been caught. Reiner had actually been right; you were being too suspicious.

You guiltily closed your eyes, using your hands to shield your face from your concerned friend.

"How did you know, Jean?"

The fawn haired boy crossed both arms over his chest with another disappointed sigh, "Because you're my best friend, and I know you. That story about having feelings for him was utter bullshit; just the other week you were practically screaming to me and Marco about how much you hate him."

Your face became flushed with embarrassment.

"Why are you doing this, Y/N?"

"It's complicated." You rubbed the sore spot of your neck, "You're not going to tell anyone, right?"


"Promise me, Jean."

The brunette reluctantly sighed, dropping his head low: "Fine, I won't tell anyone. But, I really don't think this plan will end well: I have a bad feeling."

"What do you mean?" You curiously raised your brow.

"Just make sure you know what you're doing." He offered a faint smile, "And if he tries anything with you, I'll murder him in a heartbeat."

Jean Kirschstein had a sinisterly warm beam plastered on his olive cheeks that sent shivers down your spine.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑨𝑺𝑻 𝑩𝑨𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬  ⇢  𝘙𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘹𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳   Where stories live. Discover now