pretty girls

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The sky had returned to darkness by the time you arrived at the Female Dormitory of the Survey Corps Barracks - the majority of the girls were excitedly unpacking their belongings.

"Y/N!" A pretty, feminine voice sang from afar as you peered around: after realising that it was Christa Lenz, you instinctively walked over.

"How are you?"

"As well as I can be," The blonde girl shrugged her shoulders, folding a crisp, white shirt on her knee: "Hey, before I forget to tell you: Reiner was searching for you earlier today."

"Oh?" Your interest peaked.

"I know! I was surprised, too." She gently giggled in her usual, contagiously cheerful manner - "He told me it was about something you'd spoken about yesterday."

"Good grief." Your eyes rolled back with a murmur, already knowing what he wanted to speak about, "Of course it is."

"Are you two fighting again?"

Your blank stare answered Christa's question.

She pouted her pretty, cherry-pink lips with a sigh: "I thought that after he saved you during the Battle of Trost, the two of you could find a way to get along."

Whilst beginning to unpack your belongings on the top-bunk of her bed, you scowled: "How did you find out about that?"

"Everyone knows." She shot you a clueless stare as blonde hair fell off of her shoulder, "I still don't understand why the two of you don't get along. You're amazing, and he's such a great guy - you share all of the same friends. Need I go on?"

"It's more complex than that."

You recklessly tossed you pillow onto the top bunk as Christa ran her fingertips through her soft, golden hair to brush it away from her face. The bronze lightbulb of the dormitory caressed her pretty face: the glow brightened her large, sky-blue eyes and deepened her cheekbones and soft complexion.

Christa Lenz truly was beautiful.

You could see why Reiner would want a girl like her.

Not to mention how kind-hearted she was: Christa was extremely genuine and caring when it came to her friends.

You sighed, pulling yourself up onto the top bunk as an officer came in to tell everyone that the lights were about to turn off. You both whispered goodnight to each other as you pondered more on his proposition and what would come out of it.

But Christa was one of your closest friends - would agreeing to Reiners deal break that friendship?

Was Eren worth the friendship of your Christa Lenz?

You tossed onto your side as the door to the dormitory opened, the bright lights of the hallway peeping into the room to reveal what was happening outside.

Eren was stood outside of the doorway, his emerald green eyes foggy with fatigue due to his most recent mission a couple of days prior. He was talking to Mikasa with a plain-face, his arms crossed over his chest. Mikasa pressed her side against the doorframe whilst pushing strands of ebony hair away from her eyes.

You furrowed your brows as Mikasa bashfully smiled at something the brunette had said, her silver eyes coyly shifting to the side. A pink hue stained her cheeks whilst she nervously fiddled with her crimson scarf.

You turned back over to face the wall, feeling repulsed by the sight of them together. You wrapped your arms around your cramping stomach; your body curled on top of your mattress.

The door closed as Mikasa made her way towards her own bed - she radiated a happiness whenever she spoke to Eren Yaeger. Her adoration and excitement made you green with envy; you wanted nothing more than to be as close to him as she was.

You didn't sleep that night. You plotted.



Your voice made his brows pinch; the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Reiner turned his shoulder to face you with a confused and spiteful glare.

"What?" His deep voice harshened towards you - over the years you'd known Reiner Braun, people had remarked the change in both of your voices when you spoke to each other. You both turned colder; more resentful; hoarser.

"We need to talk."

"Oh, really now? Is this what I think it's about?" He made himself clearer: "What we discussed at the fire pit?"

You nodded.

Reiner glanced back over his shoulder, realising just how busy the Mess Hall was. A table filled with your friends was just two meters away: their shifty eyes glanced over in your direction, whispering to each other as they wondered what you would have approached him for.

"Are my eyes deceiving me, or did Y/N just start a conversation with Reiner?" One of your friends whispered.

"Not unless if my eyes are deceiving me, too. They don't look angry, either - I'm almost scared." Another whispered back.

Reiner, also noticing the obnoxiously loud whispers, tilted his head to gesture towards the door. You followed him closely as he led you out of the Mess Hall, burying his large hands into his pockets.

He used his shoulder blade to open a pair of double doors that lead to a small balcony-escape outside.

The morning air was refreshingly clear; the sky was a hazy orange.

The wooden doors slammed behind you as Reiner proudly smiled, resting his hands against his waist: "Well?"

You inhaled slowly, your eyes avoiding his and glaring to the balconies view. You could see the entire barracks from where you stood: the barracks where you had spent your entire childhood since the death of your mother.

Being the daughter of Commander Erwin Smith was difficult for a number of reasons, but growing up alongside soldiers was the worst part of it. You wouldn't wish some of the memories you endured on anyone: even Reiner.

You softly sighed, finally meeting the blondes eyes.

"I accept, Reiner."

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