his dream girl

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Soon after hearing the rustling from the bushes, you both decided that it would be a good idea to venture back to the Survey Corps barracks. You parted ways after Reiner had walked you back to your dormitory, telling you to sleep well.

And now, wearing nothing but your pyjamas whilst covered in goosebumps, you stood dumbfounded at the foot of your bed.

Your cold eyes threw daggers in the direction of Sasha Braus. You assumed that Sasha must have gotten cold during the night, and, instead of wondering where you had gone and why you weren't in bed: she had taken your pillows and blankets for herself.

There was nothing on your bed apart from the mattress, and the cold was too excruciating to sleep through without any adequate bedding.

Whilst cursing your friend under your breath, you decided to go seek refuge in the bed of Hange Zoë.

You swung the door open with apoplexy, before being met with another shock as Reiner Braun stood in your doorway. His hand was extended, as if he was ready to open the door before you had beat him to it. 

Reiner tilted his head innocently, "What are you doing up?"

"What are you doing up?" You questioned him, softly closing the door behind you: "And why were you about to enter the girls dorm?"

"I was looking for you," Reiner whispered back, "The door to my dormitory has been locked up for some reason - now, you answer."

"Sasha took all of my bedding, so I was going to find somewhere warm to sleep tonight."

"I see."

You and Reiner simultaneously averted your gaze - it was as if you both had the same thought, but neither of you wanted to be the one to suggest it. Reiner rubbed the nape of his neck, letting out a sharp sigh.

"I think there's an office in the left-wing that no one uses," The blonde muttered, still refusing to meet your eye-line: "There's a fire place in there where we could warm up for the night - we need to get our body heat up after lying in the snow for so long."

You nodded assertively, telling him to lead the way.

The barracks were deathly silent during the early hours of the morning. Everyone had exhausted themselves and were enjoying a nights rest.

Reiner walked slowly - he became hyper aware of his surroundings, and purposefully careful to not stir any noise. He reluctantly pushed open the door to the office, his eyebrows forming a cringe at the creaking sound.

The office was empty apart from a pile of abandoned pile of paperwork stacked on a broken desk and a log-filled fireplace that was begging you to be lit.

You hugged your body, more goosebumps arising as Reiner fished his pockets for a match or lighter. He got onto his knees whilst you closed the door, beginning to catch a flame on the wood.

You sat down in front of the fire, admiring the silky smoke that rose in the air. Flames illuminated the eerie office with piercing shades of ruby and gold cascading on the walls. The fire crackled and thundered as a Reiner stepped back, making himself more comfortable.

Reiner, noticing that you were still shaking from the cold, lifted his arm, gesturing for you to sit close beside him. Not wanting to waste an opportunity for warmth, you nestled your face into the crevice of his chest. He wrapped his muscular arms around your body to pull you closer as he rested his chin on the top of your head. 

The blaze burnt the skin on your cheeks as you sat closely, yet you enjoyed it thoroughly in comparison to the thick snow you had been lying in an hour earlier. It reminded you of all the nights during your childhood that you peacefully slept beside the fire in Captain Levi's office.

You nestled your figure closer towards the blonde boy as he pulled you in closer, a faint smile plastering his cheeks whilst the golden blaze of the fire highlighted his chiseled face.

You slowly exhaled a lengthy breath, relaxing your body into his.

You watched a smirk pry on his lips as he gazed down at you, moving his hand against your waist: "If I had opened my arm for you to cuddle up to me two months ago," The blonde hoarsely chuckled in the middle of his sentence, "I think you would have punched me."

"Can you blame me?" You scoffed with defence in your tone, "You treated me like shit during our time as Cadets, and you never explained why. Even now, after three years, I don't understand why you decided to hate me instead of anyone else in our class."

"And you never will find out." Reiner Braun shook his head, his index finger tracing patterns against the bare skin of your shoulder: "Not if I can help it, anyway."

"So, there is a reason as to why you hated me?" You whispered aloud, noticing his golden eyes flicker towards the opposite direction as if regretting what he had implied: "Interesting."

Reiner shook his head with a subtle hint of a smirk against his soft lips, muttering a sarcastic insult beneath his breath towards you: "Hey, Smith."


"If you want me to, I can tell Christa that she can't come shopping with us tomorrow."

Your body swiftly perked up, "Seriously?"

He nodded: "I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Don't. She can come with us," You reluctantly replied, pushing down your hesitation, "We're friends now, Braun. Me and you. I'll be on my best behaviour tomorrow, and I'll do what I can to help you with Christa - she's the girl of your dreams, isn't she?"

Reiner swallowed whilst glaring towards the amber flames: "The girl of my dreams."

"You deserve someone who will cherish you," Your eyes became lost in the fire, fighting back fatigue so that you could stay up longer and talk: "Just don't tell anyone that I've said all of that to you just now."

Reiner erupted in a loud laugh, drawing your body in closer towards his: "No promises."

You struggled to see Reiner Braun in the dark; only his cheekbones were visible and a shine in his eyes from the moonlight and roaring fire.

"So, how does it feel, Y/N?"

Your body relaxed further into his touch, feeling you place your weight onto him.

"How.. does what feel?" You mumbled whilst beginning to grow more tired by the second.

"Falling asleep on me right now."

You relaxed yourself against him, hearing him sharply inhale as he felt your head nestle in the crook of his shoulder. You sighed through your nose as he adjusted his arm, wrapping it around your waist to pull you close.

"Your body feels so warm." You whispered quietly, fighting the urge to slip into a deep slumber.

"Then hold me closer." He whispered back to you as you felt the thuds of his heart grow swifter.

"Good night, Braun."

He rested his cheek in your hair, relaxing in the smell of your shampoo as his golden eyes drifted shut, "Sleep well, Y/N."

He ran his fingers along the ends of your hair as you fell into a relaxing sleep, the only thing your mind focusing on was the smell of his clothes and the slow pace of his breaths.

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