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You rode with your Squad through the plaines as you made your way to the forest. You parted ways with them when you breached the forest, your eyes peeled wide-open for the apparent abnormal titan group spotting.

Although, even after an hour of searching, nothing had appeared.

Your thighs ached from riding as your fingers tightened around the reigns of your horse, beginning to charge forward through the thick trees: you could the hear low, distant grunts of soldiers beyond the trees but couldn't make out what direction they were from.

You brought your wrist up to your brow, wiping off your sweat; you raised your shirt slightly, fanning your chest and stomach to draw off any heat.

You groaned in boredom before hearing a canon fire in the distance, meaning it was time to retreat.

You cursed beneath your breath to yourself.

You began to steadily ride back to the meeting point. You felt defeated, to say the least. You were usually too stubborn to back down until your mission was completed (which Levi had often told you was unsurprising, considering who your father was), but you didn't have much choice right now.

The air around you became still and thick as you raised your brow.

In the time you'd been riding on your horse, you hadn't realised how silent the world around you had become. You swallowed nervously, beginning to pick up your pace.

The oxygen had become thick with a taste you couldn't depict: not quite salty, but not quite sweet. You pressed your lips tightly together, your palm travelling up your neck to cover your nose and mouth; you coughed deeply into your hand.

You struggled to breathe.

You could hear a muffled order from far away as the yells grew more distant; without hearing the commands, you followed your own conscience which was demanding you to get out of the area as swiftly as possible.

With your hand still tightly clasped over your lips, you dragged your horse further.

Although the smell seemed to draw further away with every meter you ran, the gentle rumbling seemed to grow thicker beneath your horses charge.

"Shit.." You grumbled, the thick, tall trees blocking out the view of anything within eight meters of you, "Where the hell is everyone? Are they all already back at the meeting point?"

You hadn't realised how breathless your body was, or just how paralysed the expression of fear on your face had become.

"Levi!" You called out instinctively - you were ordered to not go far, and began to worry where your squad had gone, "Levi, where are you?"

And then,

crack! Smash!

A large tree fell in front of you, blocking the way: your horse squealed, letting out a high-pitched cry as you clutched on tightly to her body to not fall off.

You yelped out, struggling to steady your horse as a silhouette of over twenty meters toppled out in-front of you. You gasped for air, feeling like all the oxygen in your lungs had suddenly been forced out.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑨𝑺𝑻 𝑩𝑨𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬  ⇢  𝘙𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘹𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳   Where stories live. Discover now