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And then, you stopped falling.

A rush of fresh air swarmed straight through your clothes as you felt yourself stop falling, your eyelids still clamped together with fear of opening them and finding yourself in the mouth of the abnormal titan.

A large, muscular body collided with your own: thick arms wrapped around your torso - a sizeable hand gripped ahold of your thigh, the other clutched onto your waist to keep you steady in their grip.

Despite realising that you had miraculously been saved, it was as if the fear had taken control of your body. You were unable to move; unable to breathe; unable to open your eyes and witness who had saved you.

Your head was resting against your saviours chest, feeling a swift heartbeat through their thin shirt; you made note of the rhythm.


Thud. Thud.


Thud. Thud.

Your saviour held you so close to their body, protecting you in the sanctuary of their arms. They shielded you from the pain and sorrow of the world, taking you away from the monstrous titan that almost ended your short life.

Desperate to know who had saved you, you finally opened your eyes.

Your heart dropped. Immediately.

Your eyes were met with a blonde-haired man. There was a stern look in his bronze, fatigued eyes as his pupils searched for a safe place to land. His lips had tightened into a frown as his thin brows arched downwards. The golden rays of the sun reflected off of his sharp cheekbones and crooked nose, making his handsome face seem dignified.

Your body weakened as you realised it was Reiner who had saved you; it was Reiner who was holding you so protectively in his arms. Unsure on whether you should swoon or gag, you tightly closed your eyes and focused on the fact that you were still alive.

You finally began to catch your breath as you felt Reiner gracefully land on both feet; he kneeled, carefully placing you on a rooftop with his large hand against your back to prop you up. Bertholdt soon followed, his gear at the ready.

Your eyes moved slowly. You struggled to keep them open as your pupils drearily moved from object to object, struggling to make sense of everything around you. There was a ringing in your ears that prevented you from hearing what Reiner was talking about: you could see his pursed lips moving to speak, his hand wafting in front of your face in attempt to get a reaction from you.

You'd never touched death so closely. You'd never encountered such danger. It was as if your body had become paralysed with shock, unable to comprehend what was currently going on.

You squinted, focusing on Reiners face as he analysed your expression.

"She's bleeding." Bertholdt's voice began to reel you back into reality as you blankly stared into nothingness.

Reiner's amber eyes rolled back into his skull as a scoff escaped his mouth: "What do you want me to do about it?" Reiner lifted his fingers, tracing the blood that smeared down your chin: "The bitch can't even sit up on her own."

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑨𝑺𝑻 𝑩𝑨𝑻𝑻𝑳𝑬  ⇢  𝘙𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘹𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳   Where stories live. Discover now