When you wear his clothes

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You were bored while he was at a game and so you decided to wear his jacket. After digging through his closet for a while you found it and put it on. You ended up falling asleep on his bed after a few hour of waiting for Leon to get back. He got home and grinned when he saw you asleep on his bed, cuddled up in his jacket. He kissed your head, went to take a quick shower and cuddled you for the rest of the day.

He was out riding with his gang when you got lonley and decided to grab his spare jacket. You ended up playing vido games untill he came home. "Damn hot stuff. Did you really miss me that much?" He laughed as he kissed the side of your head.

He was showering and you were bored so you decided to try on his jacket. It surprisingly was comfortable  so you decided to keep it on. You stared poseing like him in the mirror when he walked in with a towel around his waist,"O-oh Y/n! I didn't  know you would be- wait is that my jacket?" He questioned as he ran to grab some clothes. "Shit im sorry ill put it back!" He stopped you and smiled. " Its okay love, its looks great on you."

You just took one of his shirts to sleep in one day and walked into the bedroom with just his shirt on and he smiled, "Hey there babycakes, you look good!"

The two of you were walking home after school when you got cold, so you asked him if you could borrow his jacket. He grinned wildly as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around your arms, "Of course, anything for my ray of hope!"

He was working on a car in his workshop, when you got an idea. You ran up to him, took his hat and ran off as fast as you could. You put the beanie on and hid in a small space while Kazuichi ran after you. When he found you he started covering his head shouting," come onnnn babeeeee my hairs all weird!" But then he realized you were wearing his beanie and his face went red," W-well i have a seccond hat so i guess you can wear it."

He was at a meeting and you were lonley so you grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt. It took a few hours but he eventually came back, groaning about how annoying and stupid that he has to attend pointless meetings and how much he hates them when he went silent when he looked at you, " Is that my shirt? And my fucking pants? I mean.. im not mad or anything." He said with a red face, "You look great in my shit anyways."

He was giving one of the dogs a bath so he had taken off his scarf and jacket so as he put it, " So the mystical power my clothing weilds cannot be damaged by the water!" You decided it would be funny to put on his clothes and impersonate him when hes done with the dog. After a few minutes he walked in and saw you posing the same way he does. " I AM GUNDHAM TANAKA!" you shouted and his face turned pink, " Well my dark monarch/queen/king, i expected my clothes werw too much for mortals to withstand butnit appears you too can weild the power to wear them!"

The two of you were on a date when suddenly it started to rain, he instanly took of his jacket, put it over your heads and shouted to run for shelter. When you reached shelter he wrapped his jacket around you. You aksed if he was going to be okay with out one and he smiled confidently,"Of course! I, Kaito Momota. The luminary of the stars, is able to withstand rain!" He then grabbed tour cheek, " Plus you look adorable in my clothes my starlight."

You were just getting home and Gonta wasnt there. You looked around but couldnt find him, so you decided that he was just probably looking for bugs. You walked into the bedroom and grabbed one of his jackets. Just then Gonta came home and you walked into the living room smiling, " Hi honey how are you?" He turned and smiled the biggest smile you have ever seen, " Y/n looks so pretty in Gonta's clothes!" He then pulled you into a hug.

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