what type of demon would he be

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*possible spoilers*

My dear friend Atlas helped me out on this so thank youuu!

Okay so with the whole demon thing I decided that it would be cool if they had something on thier body relating to their death like Leon's got his baseball scars and takas head injury. Plus these are inspired by the obey me shall we date characters and thier demon forms. And Hazbin hotel

Wrath demon
He is partially known for having bad anger issues and being very aggressive and loud so wrath is very fitting.
He's a little bit taller, he's got black strips in his hair, he's also got dark red coloring on the tips of his hands going up to his forearm. Leon also has little circular marks on his skin that are sorta like little craters. Leon also has little ram-like horns on either side of his head.

Envy demon
He really wants to have the life that other people has, like having a better life or relationships with other people with cause him to get extremely jealous.
He has a light green tint to his skin with little parts of yellow, especially on the tips of his fingers. He has little drips on his skin where it looks like he's melting. He dosnt really have horns but he does have spikes on his spine and down his arms.

Pride demon (even tho my sweet baby is an angel)
He has always felt the need to take pride in what he does and what his family does so because of that Taka takes emmense pride in what he does and respects what he does to the highest degree. ( when he's not being self depreciating)
He's got bright red eyes, his hair is white, and he has two pointed horns but the one on the left his horn is shattered.
He has an open diamond shirt, showing how you can see his ribs are as clear as day

Gluttony demon
He always wants more and more knowledge about anything clairvoyant and he has this feeling of emptiness in him if he dosnt try and gain more knowledge.
He's got black tips on his hair, bright white eyes, long fingernails and arms that are a pale white color. He also has an eye on his right hand and if he holds someone's hand he can see into their past, present and futures.

Nagito (done by friend)
Pride demon
He would be Pride because of the fact he has alot of pride for his other classmates; always putting themselves before himself a worrying amount. He also kinda prides himself over the fact he's lucky (also the way his luck is makes stuff he wants to happen happen.)
He would have neon green nails and where the scars are from his death. His eyes would constantly be swirls, showing the fact he himself was always in despair, whether he wanted to be or not. ALSO: 4-leaf clovers all over his body

Greed demon
He's always wanted more of everything and has always tried his best to get everything but it dosnt always work out, hence with sonia, money issues, friends, etc.
He has a steam punk type look so he has a robotic eye, arm and leg, his hands are a bright pink with some black fingertips. He also has little horns on the side of his face that are neon green at the tips.

Wrath demon
An obvious one, but Fuyuhiko fits wrath perfectly since he's a ball of anger wrapped in a ball.
He's a little bit shorter then when he was human, but he makes up for it by having two big horns on the top of his head. He has golden tipped fingers and bright red eyes. He has golden stripes and scars on his body.

(Okay I don't actualy have a sin for him currently but if I do ever get an idea I will edit it but for rn if you have any suggestions I'm happy to hear them!)
He is very tall and very broad. He has dark purple hands and eyes, he's got black scars around his eyes and shoulders, he has big black crow wings and small pointy horns on his head with gold chains on them. He has hoof prints/ scars all over his back and legs.

Lust demon
Self explanatory. I mean it's Teruteru
He's a bit more chubby, and taller, he's got bright pink eyelashes with dark red eyes. He has a permanent kiss mark on his neck and he always has bruises that look like hickeys. He has dark pink fingertips and hands. He also has some burn scars on his face, arms and legs.

Pride demon
He takes emmense pride in his ultimate and what he has done to gain his title and he isn't going to let anybody take that away.
His hair is longer and it's down to his shoulders, he has golden constellations on his body and little stars scattered. He has long purple nails, with lavender colored hands with white specks on them. He has dark purple drips coming from his mouth always wich has resulted in his chin, neck and lips always being stained purple.

I'm very proud of this chapter except gundham, I feel really bad bc I can't think of anything for him. But I really like the little callbacks I added to the characters with their deaths, like kaitos blood, takas head injury and mondo melting!
  Anyway thank you so much for reading and I love you all!

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