His godly parent in the Rick Riordan universe

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Leon- Greek
He's obviously a child of Apollo, no doubt. He just screams Apollo.

Mondo- Greek
Probably Ares. Very aggressive, punches first, asks questions later, it's very Ares.

Taka- Norse
He's a child of Balder, he's the definition of purity and forgiveness and strives for peace.

Yasuhiro- Norse
Heimdall. He sees everything, hence his ultimate being a clairvoyant, it fits.

Nagito- Greek
Dionisus's kid. The pure insanity from him can only be from dignity.

Kazuichi- Greek
Another obvious one, he gets Hephaestus. He's always messing with something mechanical and he really wants to be loved just like Hephaestus.

Fuyuhiko- Egyptian
His godly parent is Horus. His entire ultimate is partially based on revenge and war, like Horus.

Gundham- Norse
Freya. He is big on nature, life and things like that so Freya seems like the best choice. Also the man's pretty as fuck.

Teruteru- Isis
Isis is a very motherly goddess and teruteru is very close with his mother and he probably can be very parental around certain people.

Nix.  The goddess of the night and the space boy. Makes perfect sense.

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