How open is he with you

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It takes a while for him to open up to you about serious things. At the beginning Leon will tell you things if you ask him but if you go into deeper conversations with him he tells you that he will talk about it another time. After he knows that you are actually going to stay with him he's very open.

He's very closed off in the beginning, it takes him probably around 4 months of dating in order to gain his full trust. It still won't be easy due to his lack of understanding emotions. Mondo will usually only be open in very emotional moments like an argument. When that happens it's best to hold his hand and just let him talk.

He would like to think he's open, but in reality he just doesn't know what "open" means, he thinks telling you his favorite color is being open with you. After explaining what being open means, Taka gets quieter and a lot more closed off. He will talk to you about things but it takes a while, your gonna have to be patient with him.

He's ben open sense the beginning, ask him a question and he will tell you the answer immediately with no hesitation. Hiro thinks that it's extremely important to be open with your partner, so he doesn't hide anything from you.

It's fifty-fifty with him, he's open about most things but really personal topics he's a bit more closed-off. After a few months he will talk more about certain things but there's always going to be a small peice of information he just doesn't know how to tell you.

He doesn't know he's an open person, he will tell anybody anything and he doesn't know why. He just trusts everybody with everything and you are no different. But he does like knowing that you know about him, it makes him feel safe and secure.

He's pretty much not open at all, the man had so many secrets and knows a bunch of shit he doesn't want getting out. If your asking him about personal things he's very closed off but after time he opens up. If it's about the mafia or what's going on with other mafias he will only tell you if he know that you are 100% safe.

He's like Nagito, he will tell you somethings but if he doesn't know how you will react or if he just doesn't want anybody to know. His family is the main thing that is off the table for topics, anything else is okay to ask about.

Very open, about most things. You wanna talk about his fantasys? He will give you a full on presentation on them. You wanna talk about his cooking? He's cooking everything under the sun for you. You wanna talk about his childhood experiences? Yeah, that's gonna take some convincing. Eventually he will tell you because he feels bad not telling you something.

He doesn't care at all. He will answer any question as truthfully as he can. He won't go out of his way to talk about things, but if asked about something he's more than happy to answer. Some topics are a little more touchy and he gets more defensive when talking about them but he gets through it and now you know more about your boyfriend.

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