When he has to get a shot

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Okay I'm actually going to take gonta out of this book. Hes just really hard to write about. If people want him back I'll add him back but rn he's discontinued.

He's pretending that he's not scared at all. When in reality he's shaking and is super nervous. You have to hold his hand the entire time and grips your hand so tight you swear he cut off circulation. After you got him ice cream as a treat for "being so brave" as you put it.

Doesn't care. He's ben through worse stuff with his gang. Still gets nervous because he's not a big fan off needles. But after you two go on a bike ride and he's fine.

On the way he's reciting every medical fact he knows to calm his nerves. He's got a fear of needles so he has his face buried in your neck during the shot. You two have a few hours long cuddle session after.

He's freaking out. Crying the whole time at the doctor's. You have to hold his arm while he's getting the shot. You two go to a restaurant after as a treat.

Stone faced. No reaction. Im pretty sure he's a robot. Wait no, now he's crying. Welp. He was pretty sure he could make it through but he ended up being scared and gripping your hand the entire time.

You had to drag him out of the car to go inside the building. He was gripping you like he was being sacrificed. Like always he was crying the whole time. After you spend a long time cuddling and eating fast food.

He's a big boy he can do this. And he did, sorta. You did need to go with him and hold his hand the whole time. But after he got a sucker and a sticker. And he almost got pisses at the doctor for thinking he's a kid but he noticed the sucker was his favorite flavor so he chilled out.

He was determined to get this shot and be fine. And to your surprise he did. No crying, hand squeezing, nothing. He said that all the scratches he's gotten from his pets kinda numbed him to any type of small pain.(scratches, cuts, small bites, small punctures are all okay for him)

He's nervous but not totally panicking. He's had little nicks and stuff happen to him in the kitchen so he's prepared. And He's done before he even knew it. He also got a sucker and was super happy about it.

He's playing the whole " I'm the manlyest man ever! A needle can't beat me!" Then he's panicking at the doctor's office. He ends up taking the shot very well and your very proud of him. You give him cookies after.

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