You do thier makeup

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You were doing some makeup before heading to one of Leon's games when he walked in and asked what you were doing. You told him you were just getting ready and that you were almost done.
"Its looks awesome baby! Can you do that on me?"
He asked as he sat in front of you,
" Hun your gonna be playing baseball, its going to come off while your playing."
He groaned loudly and siged,
  "Come onnnn please, i barley do any work on the feild please babeeeeee!"
You gave in and did a semi-natural look on him, not doing too much. He looked in the mirror and was super happy with how it came out!
His makeup.

MondoHe was takeing a nap and you were bored so you got the idea to do his makeup

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He was takeing a nap and you were bored so you got the idea to do his makeup. You thought about doing a neutral look but then decided that doing a big look would be way funnier. Whe he woke up, it took him a little bit to realize what you did. You found this out when he screamed bloody murder when he went in the bathroom,
you burst out laughing as he walked out of the room with a confused look on his face.
His makeup

TakaHe was looking through your makeup, wondering what each of the products were for, when you walked in

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He was looking through your makeup, wondering what each of the products were for, when you walked in. He jumped away from the table and apologized profusely, for going through your things, you laughed and told him it was okay, and if he was curious about it, you could do a look on him if he wanted. He agreed because he claimed " If it is for the purpose of learning i am happy to participate!" When he really just wanted to feel pretty.
His make up

His make up

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