Your best friend

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Your best friend

Junko-shes ben your best friend since kindergarten and the two of you are like siblings. You tell eachother everything and trust eachother. Junko keeps bullys and others out of your way and you give her support when she needs it.

Kokichi- the two of you met when you were 13 and the two of you immediately became friends. You were playing pranks on others and sharing secrets on how the pranks work. You always are around him. (or Mondo)

Fuyukhiko- he met you while you were spray painting on a train car, he thought it was cool as hell and the two of you started to hang out. He would start helping you out with your brothers and the bills and the two of you started acting like you were siblings.

You dont really have one due to your Ulimate but you are very close to the shopkeeper mrs. Rosa and see her as a mother figure. You tell her almost everything and she is super supportive of you.

Akane- you both are very sporty and both train with Nekomaru,and thats how you two met. When Nekomaru was busy you two started training with eachother and soon became close friends.

Leon- you and leon had similar tastes in music and fashion so when you started your new school, the two of you were instantly drawn to eachother and became friends super easily.

Peko-she was extremely nice to you when you first started dateing fuyukhiko and helped you get used to the way the Kuzuryu clan lived. You thought she was a good person and you knew that you could trust her so you became friends with her.

Chiaki- You two are cousins and would see eachother once a year at family reunions and sense you two were sort of the "black sheep" of the family you stuck together. When you found out you were going to be in the same school you were super excited.

Gonta- gonta and you met eachother at a flower shop, he was looking at the bugs on the flowers while you were looking at the flowers. He taught you about how the bugs helped or hurt the plants and wich ones you should have in your garden. He ended up giving you some ladybugs, moths and praying mantises for your flowers.

Ibuki- one day she grabbed you, said you two were best friends, and you haven't left her side yet. Neither of you know why she chose you but your happy she did.

Gundham- you met at an animal store and one of his dark devas got loose so you brought it back to him. You ended up talking for a really long time so he gave you his number and you two have talked every day ever since.

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