where he kisses you/you kiss him

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He likes your cheeks,and noes but le likes kissing your forehead the most since your a bit shorter then him. You kiss his lips mostly, but kissing his cheek embarrasses him and you find it adorable.

Mondo kisses your lips mostly, he thinks it's fun and sometimes he'll start a makeout session because he finds it hot. But he'll kiss your temple too. You kiss him on the lips usually but sometimes on his neck because he's stupidly tall.

He's usually too nervous to kiss you but when he does its more like a quick pec on your lips but if you instigate a proper kiss he won't decline. You kiss him on the lips just to embarrass him or his neck. Extra points if you wear lipstick and it leaves a mark.

He kisses you on the cheek mostly but one in a while he'll kiss your noes. You kiss him on the cheek and lips the most.

He kisses you on your lips because " your lips bring me hope" according to Nagito. You kiss in on the cheek and noes.

He loves kissing you on the lips but it embarrasses him so you have to do it usually but he will kiss you on the hand and forehead. You kiss him on the lips mostly but kissing his cheek is fun too.

He kisses you on the neck mostly, sometimes your lips. He's doesn't like that he's too short to reach anywhere else on your face.( I'm kinda saying the readers 5'6 ish) You kiss the top of his head and his temple mostly.

He kisses you lips because he sees them as the best way to show that he loves you. And you kiss him on the cheek mostly.

Kaito kisses you on your neck and temple the most. You kiss him on the lips and cheek.

He can't really reach you too well so he kisses you on the head or your hand. You kiss him on the lips when he bends down or you kiss his nuckles to help calm him down when he's upset or too excited

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