Dinah POV

       "So what's new girl? We haven't heard anything from you in a minute. You don't even answer the group chat." Lani says. "Sorry, the kids have been keeping me busy. Kalia more specifically." I say as I shake my head. "What has my baby been doing?" Saweetie says. "This week has been a week for her. She found a way to cut her brothers hair." "Awe boyfriend." Jhené. "That's why his hair is in braids right now. I couldn't stand to look at it. Then she bit Chey on her cheek. We couldn't let her go to school with the bruise on the face. Y/N was like 'if we send her to school like that we are gonna be in the news for child abuse.' Her aunt agreed and so did I." I say as I grab the wine bottle out the cabinet and sit it on the island before grabbing some wine glasses.
      "Lord do I pray for that child. She wasn't acting like that with me." Saweetie says. "Nope, kids are only bad when their parents. Namiko was like that when she was younger." Jhené says. "Did you beat her ass?" I shake my head. "I didn't get beat when I was younger. I know Y/N was but she doesn't believe it helps all that much either. Her aunt Sammie on the other hand... she had a field day." I say as I pour wine in all the cups. "She got that old school ass whooping. How did that go?" Saweetie asks. "She's more behaved now. I'm guessing it did her some justice. She's been behaving." I say. "Did she go to sleep after?" Saweetie asks. I nod my head. "Those naps used to hit." Lani says. I hand everyone their glass.
      "Other than that how have you been?" "I've been good. Just trying to not pay attention to the blogs. Every time I scroll there's a new article about the both of us. Like there was one where Odell's lawyer is trying to get me to child endangerment. Two counts. I couldn't help but read the comments." I say as tear falls. "Dinah you shouldn't read the comments. They're just from people that have nothing better to do but comment on other peoples life." Jhene says. She says as she comes over and rubs my back. I sniffle and shake my head.
       "I know but it's like I can't help but to look through them. People deliberately think that I wanted to keep my kids in that house. Me knowing Y/N, I didn't want to tell her because I knew she would've lost her cool and ended up in jail. Besides Y/N, I'm all those kids have. People are saying that I'm a horrible parent and that I shouldn't have kids at all. People were saying that I was letting him beat on Chey. That right there killed me. They don't know the amount of trust I had in him just to be around them. I'd never do anything to intentionally put them in harms way. The day he put his hands on Kalia, I called Y/N to have them live with her. I love my babies. All of them. I don't ever want to see them in pain." I say as I cry.
      "Oh what's wrong baby mama?" I hear Yonni say as she comes in the kitchen with a woman. She runs over and pulls me into a hug. "You want me to get Y/N?" I shake my head and I pull away from her. "No there's no need. I'm just venting to the girls. Let her stay out there and smoke with her friends." "They done hotboxed your living room. The cloud should be coming in here soon. They got mad I opened the door to come in. Girls, this is my mother Kim. Ma that's Saweetie, Kehlani, and Jhené. This is Y/N's girlfriend, Dinah." They all wave to each other. "Where's Benny?" "Out there with my dad. I asked them where you was and they said all the women are in the kitchen. They asked him if he smoked, handed him the blunt and it was over." I nod my head.
      "I know you don't like to talk about this because this subject is touchy, but I came to talk to you about the case." Yonni says. "I got the child endangerment case thrown out. Like I said I would. They couldn't let the charges stick. Instead they put it on him. He's looking at a possible 40 years with no parole. All child charges are doubled unless of course he put his hands on Chey-" "Chey never let him put his hands on her. If anything she told him off and threatened him with Y/N." "Okay good, that's my baby. Another thing is baby daddy is free of any possible charges and so are you." Yonni says. I nod my head.
     "See Dinah, everything works in your favor. You're an amazing mother. Don't let people that don't have kids try to tell you different." Kehlani says. "Is that what you were in here crying about? Dinah don't listen to them. I'm gonna tell you this, a strong and loving mother would've done the same thing you did. You told him that the kids were off limits the first time he touched them. He didn't listen and did it again. You did what any mother would've done and removed them from that. You bathe, take care, clothe, and spend time with those kids like a mother should. You do more than enough for your babies. You do more for your kids than them bitches talking shit through a comment. Majority of them don't even have kids. They can take a lot of titles from you if they want. The one title they can't take is you being an amazing mother, you got that one boo." Yonni says. Everyone else nods their heads.
     "Baby, me and the guys... what's wrong? Did Yonni do something to you? I can always fire her and get a new manager." Y/N says as she comes in the kitchen. She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around her. I shake my head. "No baby I'm okay. The girls got me." She pulls back and wipes my face. "So why you crying? You know you can talk to me right?" I nod my head and peck her lips. "Yes, Y/N I know. We can talk about it later." She nods her head. "Well me and the guys are going downstairs to record, so if you need me im downstairs." "You're not hungry? Your aunt cooked." "I forgot she cooked. But I'll make a plate and go downstairs." We let go of each other.
      "Kim, how have you been?" "I've been good. Just taking care of my grandkids. Thank you for giving my baby a vacation. She needs it." "Yeah, She's been working on the case and I know she needs a break. She works hard all year round for me. The least I can do is give her a break. Yonni didn't tell you that I got you and your husband a trip to México for the week? She was supposed to take care of the cancelling everything you had going on." "You just ruined it. I was gonna tell them to pack a bag and drop them off at the airport." Yonni says. Yonni looks back through the doorway and turns back.
       "Your baby mama is here." Yonni says with an attitude. "Behave." Y/N says. I raise an eyebrow. Last time I remembered Melanie was good with everybody. "Ooou let me sip my wine." Saweetie says. Melanie walks through the door and past Yonni, Richard right behind her. "Wassup Mel. Wassup Rich." Y/N says as she hugs Melanie while giving Yonni a look over her shoulder. She pulls away and daps up Richard. Melanie says hi to the rest of the girls except for Yonni and gives me a hug. I look over at Yonni as she rolls her eyes. Okay..... what's going on.
       I pull away and look between the both of them. "Okay, what's going on between you two? Y'all were here last week and were fine." I say. "I don't know ask her. She came at me through my messages weird." Yonni says. "I was texting you about Y/N's schedule to see what it was like." Melanie says. "Do you want to restate what you just said because that wasn't what was said. You were mad because I wasn't going to let you sit in on this case. You haven't even past your test to get into law school yet. After that I can do it. As of right now I can't. Then I told you out of respect of them two," Yonni says as she points to me and Y/N. "I couldn't allow that. Regardless of the relationship, I can't do that. I didn't know if they wanted you to know their business." Yonni says.
     "I mean Melanie she has a point. Your man is already on the case. He's not even allowed to tell you that information. Plus, this is Dinah's case. It's not even mine. You'd have to ask Dinah if it was okay. And why would you even ask Yonni about my schedule? The same way you texted her you could've texted me." Y/N says. "Y/N I don't want to argue with you." "I mean it was going to happen. You're trying to get in my girlfriends case. If you're trying to see if he hit Chey, he didn't. She actually stopped him from putting his hands on the twins. She was protecting her siblings. Dinah wouldn't allow that to happen seeing as that itself would've have been a different story. Why do you want to be on the case so bad?" Y/N asks her.
      "Just for the experience." Mel says. "Mel be honest with me. It's me you're talking to. Why did you really want to be on the case?" Y/N says. "Mel just tell her. It's better than you just assuming." Richard says. "Is it because you wanted to know if I let Odell put his hands on Chey? Because if it is I never let him. Let alone Chey herself." I say. "I just.... I just had some thoughts on it." Melanie says. "Mel be real. The day it went out that he was arrested for child abuse, she went searching on Cheylise to see if she had any marks. She's been asking me daily about the case and since I wouldn't and couldn't tell her she resorted to asking Yonni. Although, I told her that she would get the same answer." Richard says.
      "Do you not trust me?" I ask her. "It's not that I don't-" "You don't trust me." "It's just if it was me, he would've been getting his ass beat for putting his hands on my baby." "Melanie!" Richard yells. "It's fine Richard. At least I didn't abandon my kid for a stripper pole." "Dinah!" Y/N yells. "You're still on that? Get over it. My child is fine now. I'm taking care of her as well as Y/N. I'm bettering my life." Melanie says.
      "Melanie, you need to leave. I'm not going to let you sit here and disrespect my girlfriend." Y/N says. "So you're just going to let her disrespect me?" Melanie asks. "Melanie you started it first. I'm not picking sides. Dinah should've never said what she said either. Y'all are both in the wrong. As of you, you've disrespected my manager and my girlfriend. In me and Dinah's house. I'm not okay with that. You came here trying to find out if Chey got touched. Me, Dinah, Chey, and yourself confirmed that. The way Dinah was so concerned about you after what happened to Chey, she needs the same thing. I'm not going to allow someone close to us try and depict Dinah of someone or something that she isn't." Y/N says as she raises her voice.
      "Let's not forget that when you wasn't trying to be a mother to Chey, she stepped up. She was taking care of her. Feeding, bathing, clothing, and playing with Chey. You couldn't break those two up if you tried. Dinah has proven countless of times how much of an amazing mother she is. She was a mother to someone else's child before she had her own. That's a mother! That's what a mother is! So you're talking about beating Odell's ass if you was in the situation is probably a lie. The year and a half you had her, you was barely taking care of her. Your mother was. I agree that you stepped up as mother but it took you a minute. So if you wanna be like everyone else that I'm trying to protect her from, the door is right through that doorway and ain't no one stopping you." Y/N says.
      "Fucking up my dinner. My aunt made me some bomb ass Spanish food and you wanna fuck it up with your nonsense. I'm over here protecting this girl from the media and shit. Protecting her mental and you come over here and messing it up. Now I gotta start from the beginning. Babe you are an amazing mother and I said what said. Don't believe her or no one else. Now let me go smoke because you're making me need a blunt. Get out. You can pick up Chey from Dinah's parents house tomorrow. Just get out." Y/N says and she finishes making her plate. She goes in the fridge and grab a Fiji water.
      "I don't hear you leaving. My man Richard good luck with her tonight. Just know you in the doghouse for exposing her." Y/N says nonchalantly as she comes out the fridge and stands at the island. She starts to eating her food while staring at Melanie. Melanie and Richard leave out the kitchen and we soon hear the front door open and close. "Now you," she says as she points and looks at me.  "I know how you feel about your mothering now. As the other parent to our children I wanna say that you are an amazingly outstanding mother. Damn it Dinah, our kids are two and know their alphabet, colors, shapes, and can count to 100. Babe, they're two. TWO! And they know all that shit from you. Me too, but mostly you. No daycare, no nanny. All us, all you. Take pride in that mama. You a bomb ass mom. You work a career that's busy as hell but you're always with your kids. Traveling with them. Working with them. You that bitch babe.  You're really a bomb ass mother. You gotta see that babe. You got to." She says sincerely.
     "Shit, I wouldn't be with you if you wasn't. I would've took the kids and left. Peace out." She says as she throws up the peace sign. "I wish you would." "I just said if you wasn't doing what are you are doing I wouldn't be with you. Keep doing what you're doing babe, you're doing great." She says with a smile.  "I hope that somewhat boosted your confidence. I want you to believe in yourself mama. And once he's in jail, I'm throwing a party. Be disrespectful as fuck. I don't give a damn either. You deserve that shit." She says and I giggle. "I love you." I say looking her in her eyes. "I love you too. Now let me go back downstairs. I probably missed out on like three blunts by now. Now smile." She says as she picks up her plate and water and leaves out.
      "I know you guys need to get married. She loves you. Listen to her because I can tell she means everything she's saying." Kim says. "But she did handle Melanie accordingly." She also says. "She sure did. Girl, she threw her out for you. She did not have to do that." Saweetie says. "I seen it coming. We seen how she handled Odell. She don't take disrespect lightly." Kehlani says. "I'm actually proud at how calm she actually kept herself." Jhené says. "Hold on to her." "I never planned on letting go." I say.

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