Chapter 24-Oh The Irony

Start from the beginning

"Aw poor baby." I said scooping her so I was holding her bridal style in my arms on my lap.

"Its not mu fault I cant decide. I have a few in mind I really like though..." She said against my chest quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Well what are they then?" Louis said becoming interested.

"Well... I have always loved Stand Up. and Moments. and More Than This... I LOVE how your voice sounds in Nobody Compares" She said looking up at me, I smirked.

"Wait there's more!" She said, starting to get excited she can talk about One Direction for once.

It's funny, its actually been about 4-5 months since she could say anything about it, and now that we know, she's talking to us like were fan girls on twitter, not the ACTUAL One Direction. I could tell the other guys were thinking that, since they kept smiling at me while she was talking.

"Little Things makes me cry like every time. Your solo pisses me off because it really hits home though." She said looking at me again, then continuing after we all laughed a little bit.

"Over Again UGH oh my gosh I LOVE that one.. hmm.. OH Summer Love, not only because that's the one Niall wrote but I just really like the acoustic in it. And still the one. like when you go OOOOOOOOONNNNEEEEEEEEE towards the endish kind of..  ya know?" She said looking at me again. I nodded laughing.

"Yeah babe, I do. I do know." I was going to add on 'because I sing it and wrote half of it' but I wanted to see her still stuck in this little world. It was cute. Usually it would be creepy but all of us found it funny.

"Loved You First is also a fave." She said.

"Wow, so you obviously favor just about the whole album huh?" Zayn said to her. She nodded.

"Well who is, or more like, who was your favorite, when you 'fan girled' or whatever." Liam asked. This really got all of our attention.

"Don't judge me...." She said getting a little nervous. We all agreed not to.

"I always thought Zayn has been hot with his tattoos. But really at first, it was Louis. Like hard core I swore I was going to marry him some day." Louis started blushing, and everyone laughed, even Eleanor. They guys shifted weirdly though as if there was something awkward about Kendall saying that. I'm not sure why though. And why the hell was Louis blushing?! He shouldn't be blushing. He has Eleanor! Whatever... I'll get over it.

"Sorry El." Kendall said, Eleanor shook her head.

"Babe, its fine. I don't care!" Eleanor said waving towards Kendall.

"Alright, okay. This part you guys will kill me for." Kendall said. We prepared our selves.

"So for awhile I was torn between Liam..." She said hesitating.

"Woo Hoo I was loved at one point!" Liam said throwing his arms up, Kendall laughed.

"Kendall do you really wanna say it...?" Rylan said to Kendall.

"Okay, I don't care,  BUT I DIDNT KNOW OKAY! ITS NOT MY FAULT!.... I was torn between Liam.. and..... Niall."

"OHHHHHHHHHHOHHHHHHHOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHHHHHHHHHHH" Everyone yelled jumping up, even me. Niall, Rylan, and Kendall stayed sitting down.

Rylan didn't have a reaction because she obviously already knew.

Niall was just blank faced and his eyes were wide.

(AUTHORS NOTE: So you know when someone is punched or gets told a comeback in a fight and all the 'by standers' all shout 'OHHH' with there hands over there mouths? Okay well that's how that was supposed to go. I felt the need to put this out there to clear it up haha)

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