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You Remind Me Of Someone I Used To Know

You Remind Me Of Someone I Used To Know

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I walk alongside Hope as we make our way to Mystic Falls High School, I put my hands in my pockets and look back at Hope but she isn't paying much attention right now. I sigh looking around the place and there is a lot of toilet paper all over the place, probaly from some prank or something. I feel Hope flinch back as a trash can gets knocked over and a couple of people run away.

"Kids." I scoff looking down at Jope and she grins, the sound of a car approaching with a siren, I cross my arms and look at the car.

The cop gets out of the car. "This looks pretty self-explanatory, but you two want to give it a shot?" she walks up to us.

"Um, toxic masculinity mixed with outdated sports pranks?" I laugh and cover my mouth at Hope's response.

"She is not wrong."

A girl from the car winds down the window. "There's no way Hope did it. She's a Timberwolf, not a Stallion. They both are." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Maya? What happened?

"Oh, don't worry. She's my mom." She gers out the car. "We don't really like to talk about it."


"Hey, Hope, Chase." Ethan cones up from the other side of the car.

"Ethan?" I bite my lip, suppressing a smile. "So you guys are...?"

"My kids, no matter how much it embarrasses them."

Ethan walks up. "Cause who doesn't like getting dropped off to school in a cop car?"

"I'm on official business." They both walk away, I look at them as they do, Ethan looks back at me and smiles before before they get out of sight. "Now...show me where I can find Principle Saltzman." The school bell rings and I let out a sigh.


Hope and I cloak ourselves, Hope sits down at the chair while I stand next to her as the officer and Ric start to talk, she hands him a picture. "Yeah, sorry, I...I haven't seen him. Like I said, I'm pretty new here."

"Well, his teammates last saw him at the Old Mill, by the Salvatore School. We found his truck abandoned,  and his hunting rifle nearby."

"Okay. Well, I will check with his classmates and his teachers. I wish I could be more helpful, but like I said, I'm still getting to know the students. And the sheriff. I was friends with the old one."

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